a customer showed me her reminder for a fixed penalty she got and refuses to pay. story goes, 11.30pm January she drives in to a deserted tesco car park to pick up some flu remedy and parks up next to the only other car that's there which happens to be an empty police car with its lights on and engine still running. she walks in to the shop passing two police men walking out, one carrying a big big of nappies and the other carrying what looks like a bag of barbequed chicken wings, anyhoo grabs some beachems and jumps back out to her car to find the Nappie carrier waiting for her at the car and starts to lecture her about how much of a crime it is to leave a running car unattended. she try's to explain she is an older woman with asthma coming down with the flu the car was freezing and just never thought, i know this woman well, despite her health issues of which there is plenty there is always a smile and a giggle in everything she says. she happens to mention they had left their car running also at which point the tool goes off on one leaves her standing out side, goes right through the car checking every thing, doing his damnedest to find something wrong (which he couldn't due to me being the one that sold her it :wink issues her a ticket and slowly drives off with the other still stuffing his face with something hot. I have had dealings with this fella and trust me, the boy certainly has an active imagination. now obviously i cant post names, but if i was you, touring the west coast of Scotland and passing threw Dalmally, Caution Beware the Nappie carrier. :wink:
probably,no question of guilt ether. just having a wee dig i have source inside and they all seem to be in agreement. deffo a knob. argyll is quite a large region but sparsely populated and mostly word off mouth. (Chinese whispers) i think most dudes in the force up here realize sooner or later they are gonna retire up here. i think this boy is going to have to emigrate.
there is no issue as such, she has deffo taken the hump. but my argument is, its kind of like your neighbor reporting you for leaving your tv on when there trying to have a rave next door. they where in tesco with there car out side running unatended then issue her with £50 fine for leaving her car running unatended. and the thing is the fella probably just lives up the road. shitting your own nest if you ask me. now the jist of this tale is there is a campaign underway in argyll and surrounding areas this summer that will be policing heavily the pro's and con's of riding enthusiastically, unmarked bikes and expensive looking cars.. so as i said, beware men in uniform with ill fitting trousers. :wink:
Huh :smile: reminds me of that joke about what sort of animal has an arsehole half way up its back :tongue:
no and i know whats coming next. i don't think your getting the jist of the story of which there is two. no1 being the standard of community policing by one particular policeman. i know as fact the other was more embarrassed and hungry to have been put in that particular position. no2 there is a going to be a campaign going on up here this summer using unmarked vehicles targeting motor cycles in many cases justified, t.b.h. and not to expect to much mercy from one particular enforcer. i appreciate not much interest to those that rarely go north of the river. but i am sure some of you must because come may there will be more bikes than cars on the road up here and a lot of them go through dalmally and tynult. if you know what i am saying. wink wink. lochaber will also be heavily patrolled.
you don't know for a fact………you just know what someone else has told you….. i mean its a bit like me saying i know for a fact all car dealers are full of bull and would stitch their own grandmother up….well thats what i have been told..
i'm sure Finm didn't intend this to be a general Police-knocking thread, just drawing attention to one individual behaviour i.e. - the poor attitude of the Nappy Carrier when confronted with a 'Do as I say, not as I do' situation.
i have mentioned down the line that i have friends and customers both retired and serving in the police front line and back room andy. this is a small community there is no anonymity to be found when moving to the sticks. i don't beleave this is youre style of policing ether. again regarding this campaign i tend to agree with it, my biggest fear on the road is other bikers. just giving a wee heads up.
just as much as it could of been one of the other 35000 met officers putting themselves at risk indiscriminately for both good people and shoite….
Let's supposed fins friends story is 100% true. Would you say she was treated fairly? Does hypocrisy help that police office enforce the law or do you think they should have more respect for the general public? Or can't you see that?
lets just as much suppose that her story isn't true or that like most stories on here and every where else they are subjected to an amount of poetic licence…..or can't you see that??
Which you've already said on this thread. Now what if it were true? Or would you rather not consider the office could have behaved better?