
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. yep i agree...
  2. I used to enjoy playing my Saxophone when I had the time. I haven'y had the time for a few years now but have not sold off my saxes as I couldn't part with them., great way to pass a few hours. I never get bored really and always seem to have more to do than I have spare time.

    I am useless at X box etc. and find it too frustrating. I did used to like Sega Mega Drive and Streetfighter!!!!, I could actually finish that. I also liked the dreaded Rubik's cube when they were popular, I would spend all night in frustration trying to get it finished.
    #22 Red998, Mar 15, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
  3. I don't get bored because there is too much to do. I play my guitar (still so much to learn), read a book (always have a book with me), cook something (either dinner or something superfluous), garden, watch TV.

    I don't play any computer or video games because I have a compulsive personality and get addicted to them far too easily. Then I wouldn't have any time left for more useful pursuits.
  4. I have 2 of those already ;-)
  5. Try a guitar. You can sit down and watch the telly at the same time.
  6. Broken Xbox? sounds like an excuse to upgrade to an Xbox One, there has just been a price cut too :upyeah:
  7. Upgrade to an xbox one is called a PS4. :tongue:
  8. not any more. teehee.
  9. Ah but you can't play Titanfall on a PS3.5 :upyeah:
  10. but its a shooter, i wouldn't play that on either. I'd use my pc. Mouse and KB better control. Consoles for driving games or flying stuff. :tongue:
  11. Now boys, its the red v yellow thing all over again...but. I have thought about it. If XB1 was backward compatible, no question, but.
  12. Wrapp it up in a towel and get it really hot. it will work for a few months.
  13. I am slowly getting rid of/re locating 30 years of accumulated 'thing' from my leaning over shed.Tis a long and laborious process as I have been/am such a hoarder.This keeps me busy now and then when I am feeling bored.So sad I know.:rolleyes:
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