The fact of the matter is the copper was being a twat. But wait. How did the woman speak to him? I'm not talking about what she said, but how she said it. Contrary to popular opinion, coppers are actually human, and if you talk to them like a piece of shit you can expect to be treated as such.
One day I got pulled doing 145mph up the A3. At the very same time my mate got pulled in a nearby village. He got ticketed for 35 in a 30, I got away with it. The difference..? I got off the bike, took my lid off and started saying sorry. A lot. My mate gave the copper some lip...
Am i the only one here staggered that someone would leave their car unlocked and running while they had a wander around tesco? Rozzer wagons can have the keys removed and the vehicle locked while the engine is still running (to power the beacons etc), Police around here are advised to leave their vehicles running like this if they have to leave them for a short period of time just in case they get an emergency call...
My final post on this I am questioning if the cop issued a parking ticket in what appears to be a tescos car park, i know they are hot on that themselves plus you are into private v public location. A police vehicle with ANPR etc needs a lot of electricery to keep it running cop cars are fitted with run locks to leave the engine running(powering the computers) enables you to take the key out and lock the car….public vehicles are not. If you leave your car outside a known gathering place for oiks like a shopping centre with the keys in and engine running then chances are you are leaving yourself open to it being nicked….. Now the cops have to go to telcos etc to get food for lunch dinner etc…..i assume those not in the cops do eat whilst at work too?? plus I'm sure once you have got hot food in your hand ready to eat you won't want to get distracted away from eating it……….unless there is a situation that demands that circumstance.. Now if the ladies car was quitted and the cops have seen it running there, decided that i can't eat my lunch, more to the point i now may of been seen near this quitted car so I've got to stay here until the owner comes back or if it gets nicked it will obviously be the cops fault..they have stayed there pointed out to said lady the error of her way with the intention of words of advise…then Figs situation has developed…….well see Figs advise! Of course the cop could just be a cock……. I can't be arsed to find out what cost a FPN is in Scotland, or what the cost is of a tescos mickey mouse parking ticket is...
i think she is on to a looser myself. i know this lady, a bit dippy but salt of the earth. Oban not London city center. common sense should prevail. she has taken umbrage with his style not the ticket. he has fabricated story's with myself non of which were proven or tickets issued. your in his company 2mins and if wasn't such a pussy or had a mandate and training to do so i would deffo knock him out.
Tescos car park is a public place anyway lol. Cant see what all the hue and cry is about. Just pay the feckin bill and learn pmsl :banghead:
god you couldn't script this. front page news Oban times local police man charged with assault. i wounder who? :wink:
This sounds to me like a tale of two titties . There are some right twats in this world some are cops some are joe public , we can all be complete twonkers at some point (even me, I know hard to believe ) , the lesson is if you're joe public don't let it be when faced with Mr policeman , especially if he's being a right cock.
there is only one. we are all smart enough to know this. if i was to spend my time trying to defend every dodgy mechanic out there i would have no time to do anything else.
It's just a shame that everyone else has to bend over backwards to please a bloke that is unsuited to his job and who won't be there for long.
Are these his colleagues?
don't think so. dont want to start an anti police thing, although with hind site it looks that way. it was just one particular that's been yanking everyone's chain. but touch wood he has been found out and that will be the end of it.
Discretion, that was what I used in uniform and plain clothes. Pass the attitude test and if we are not talking criminal offences but rta, on your way. That is the officer weighing up the likelihood of it happening again weighted with common sense and a pragmatic attitude upholding the law not feckin enforcing it. Consistently defending the indefensible makes it clear that certain officers are very much of the opinion it is an us and them society.
iv been on the receiving end of knob officers and despite having the correct attitude and not endangering nuns and kittens the officer still behaved like a knob........I understand some on this forum are serving officers but on reading your answers you are not going to willing that this officer my in fact be acomplete jobs worth and the lady just may be telling the complete baldyboy said a them and us attitude. this is just what I have picked up from some answers so please don't come down on me
think you need to re-read the thread as (according to Finm) :- "they were in tesco with their car outside running unattended then issue her with £50 fine for leaving her car running unattended." are you making it up as you go along?
er no post 1 he just says issued her with a ticket…….if you are going to tell people to RTFi then ffs do it yourself…..secondly get a bit more of an understanding of what constitutes leaving a police vehicle running and leaving a MOP car running… are making it up as you go along…...
SO let me get this straight Andy. If everything that the OP says is true, the officer could have handled it that what you're saying?