Dash Warranty Claim?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Franksie, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. Late last year I went to France for a week where it rained for a large part of the week, the bike performed faultlessly but since a couple of issues have appeared shortly after I got back, first the traction control keeps switching itself off shortly after I pull off (comes back on and stays on if I switch off and restart) and most recently I have noticed damp and moisture inside the dash (pics below) I have read here of a few dashs being replaced, is this the same issue and do I need it replacing... under warranty?

    Bike will be going into Riders Bristol shortly to hopefully get it all sorted, will report back what the DTC issue is


  2. I had a similar experience of France with a resulting misting of the dash. No issues with traction and after having reported the misting to my dealer, it's not come back. I garage my bike always, I only ever wash it by hand with a sponge and bucket of water and I always dry the bike off after a ride in the rain or if the road is wet. Labourious and time consuming I know but it seems to work. Andy
  3. Looks like you have exactly the same issue as jcmental (see this thread; Wet Dash)

    Definitely get it replaced on warranty would be my advice.

    All the best, Mark H
  4. Yup , had mine replaced under warranty a few weeks ago for the same thing.
  5. It's the damage the damp is doing when it's not condensed onto your front lens.
    I also had droplets of water on the round lens but were hard to photograph because they were clear.
  6. [​IMG]

    They all do that sir.....

    I think the replacement will as well.
  7. That's encouraging !!! :) Now booked in for a replacement, considering the number they have had to change you would think they would come up with an improvement.
  8. I've asked the mechanic that's changing mine if he can do a bit of waterproofing on the back before he fits the new one. They probably only cost a few quid to make so they don't think it's worth developing a new one because next year there fitting colour screens with sat nav and candy crush saga
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  9. Seems to be a fault on Italian bikes. My 2006 Tuono did it and my mates RSV4 tuono just started
  10. There seems to be a similar problem with the 848/1098/1198 bikes and a solution I've seen mentioned is to drill a small hole in the back of the unit. On the face of it this seems like a daft idea as any hole has the potential to let water in but as mentioned in another post on this subject I think the problem is not water getting into the unit but damp air getting in and any moisture it contains condensing on the inside. These units although built to keep out water are , it seems, not hermetically sealed. So that on a warm day the air inside expands but when it cools the partial vacuum created inside draws air into the unit. If this air is damp, and it probably will be on a cold rainy day, then moisture is drawn in with it.
    A small hole in the case would help to equalise the pressure and prevent air movement and allow a path for moisture to escape.
    Any thoughts?
  11. You're probably right but the moisture seems to find its way out eventually without drilling.

    My dash had a small patch of condensation after standing in the sun for the first time since the winter. As I rode on a dry day it slowly shrank in size and disappeared completely after 3 or 4 hours and has not reappeared since. Unless it is sodden with big droplets I don't think it is a problem if it dries out in a day or two. The air movement when riding on a dry day seems to be the best way to dry it out.
  12. I was out on it this weekend, although the condensation has disappeared there is now a nice stain on the inside which is distracting and annoying
  13. Seems logical and could be worth a try if your warranty has run out I suppose but I wouldn't fancy drilling a hole in the back without knowing where I could do it safely?

    In addition, if the dash was still under warranty and went faulty after drilling then would Ducati have a possible 'get out' in terms of free replacement?
  14. Well, mine was misting up merrily today in the sunshine although it cleared after half an hour or so. I'd be happy if it didn't do it at all and since it's well out of warranty I might give it a go, although I'll probably leave it until the winter as I can't be arsed taking the dash off the bike right now. I can always plug the hole up again if it's unsuccessful.
  15. Mine does this too.....i read somewhere that one should put a packet of those "drying silica packets" inside the dash....you know the ones that you get when you buy a new laptop or other electronic device....although I would have no idea if this is possible???
  16. Not a chance. They are well and truly stuck together and are not meant to come apart, although there are two recessed things underneath that look like they might be some sort of screw that needs a special tool.
    I had mine off the bike over the winter and put in a sealed jar with a load of silica gel for 2 months so it should have been thoroughly dried up but first time the sun was shining on it there was some misting again. [​IMG]
  17. My Multi dash did the same misting up nonsense, eventually LED segments began to disappear and then more and more until there was no information of any use in any mode. Being out of warranty D UK did not want to know. If yours in in warranty, do not wait to get it changed
  18. Long since out of warranty I'm afraid.
  19. You took it out in the wet!!!!

    Take it for a holiday to somewhere hot and dry, like Italy :cool:
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  20. Trip to Spain via Bilbo is already booked :)
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