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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wrecked, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. What, standing there sucking your teeth and saying, 'no, that's a special part, that, we'll have to order it in, gonna cost extra..'?
  2. I am working now.....and have been since 4am. And I wont finish till gone 9.00/9.30pm. Then it starts all over again.

    That's the problem with dealing with clients around the world :(
  3. not true, no teeth left. and you need a P.A you can trust. el.t
  4. and funnily enough i am gonna have a gum sucking moment this morning. working late last night trying to solve an abs fault on a peugeot.pretty sure its the wrong axil fitted to this thing. looking at about a grand if i am gonna guarantee the repair.
  5. :(:mad:o_O:eek::(

  6. yeah its the same for me, when i call BTs helpline in India......
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