Hi guys got an old tom tom rider what will be the easiest way to hard wire? I was thinking the battery charger connection or am I wrong?
Lots of options bud but I went down elcheapo route & it works a treat... Got this below http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/331074271113?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 & Heres the install... Two wires off it directly to the battery
For the actual sat nav? Its a mare with the 848 as theres no room on the bars... I have a standard TomTom with the ring (??) holder thingie & a suction base that you twist... I've drilled holes through the suction base & put thin screws through it.. Melted some cable heat shrink onto them & they fit nice into the holes on the headstock (the pic above bottom left).... It sounds a proper pikey soloution but honest its tidy as hell & cost me nothing.... I'll try to get some pics up over the weekend bud