Bike themed watches

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by rac3r, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. Got a car themed one.... Bentley
  2. no excuses for forgetting your anniversary with that.
  3. I could never bring myself to spend thousands on a watch, £500 max and even then I have to really want it!
  4. Do you own a Bentley ?
  5. I'm the same. In fact I've stopped wearing my watches.

    However back to the original subject. They are tat. Nothing more, nothing less.
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  6. I'd agree that they're tacky, and their marketing is very odd. Most watches are around EUR300, but the "Mustang" watch is EUR3,490 - come on, it's a Ford, how many Ford owners want to spend 3.5k on a watch - my new engine cost less than that. I guess this just means that the Mustang trademark isn't as well protected as Ferrari, Maserati etc.? I appreciate that the movement in the Mustang watch is a much higher quality but why pick the cheap brand for the expensive watch?

    I find most modern watches a bit tacky TBH, why are they all so big? I also don't see the fascination with having extra dials - use a second hand rather than a sub dial then it's easier to see anyway! Like most things subtlety is more classy, we should understand that with our (mostly) plain red motorcycles......
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  7. Spam
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  8. Report it. I did.
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  9. In the tacky camp
  10. donwvote downvote!!!
  11. All tacky apart from the Torgoen watch, that's nice. I don't wear a watch anymore - everywhere I go theres something with the time on it....Phone, dash on bike, dash on car, bottom right of pc screen....the time is always somewhere close by....if you twisted my of these....

    or one of these....

    Men's Victorinox Swiss Army Chrono Classic Alarm Chronograph Watch (241300) - WATCH™

    We were in Florida a few years back in the Univeral studios park and in one of the shops they had some really nice leather jackets which I tried on until on the back I saw an embossed logo of Jurassic Park....totally ruined it. I associate these watches as the same kind of thing...
  12. That Torgoen, I like.
  13. Comfy I really like that Victorinox too. Its an almost exact copy of the Breitling Navitimer, which I've had for about 20 years plus and wear every day and everywhere. I got it when almost nobody had heard of Breitling.

    They have stopped the Navitmer range I think and if mine gave up the ghost tomorrow I'd just go straight out and buy the Victorinox

  14. Yeah - I did see not that watch specifically but one like it (I did find the exact one at the time pardon the pun)

    Theres a film called "Source Code" - in the film Jake what's his face is wearing one....that's probably the first time ive seen a watch and thought - I want one of those....

    victorinox source code - Google Search
  15. Yeah I remember seeing it in the film & thinking it was the Navitimer, then seeing it again thinking Nope its a little different.

    Here is the Victorinox's daddy & its Ti too

  16. I can't be trusted with a watch.
    Everyone I've had that's battery just stops on me .
    No idea why ! I put it on and very short time it just stops .. Get new battery and again it just stops!

    Wind up ones are ok but the last one I forgot to take off and got it wet .

    It's a man thing posh watches .
    But lots get really garish and tacky ... I would invest in something that doesn't break !!!
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