British Summer

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Carbon749, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Ahh the summer of 77, I chipped my front tooth going down a home made water slide, it got infected and the dentist decided he needed to drill into it without anesthetic to "find out how far the infection went". I was 10 and I still remember the pain now. The tooth died, no surprise there, and I now have a cap on it, but I had to go all through orthodontics with a big black tooth in the centre front of my mouth. Excellent self esteem builder for a teenager. The water slide was still fun though, I was scared of dentists for quite a while though.
  2. I was expecting rain all day ... it rained this morning.
    My front garden was a mess .... so the sun came out and I attacked it.
    Now got to finish it all before it becomes the local litter tray or the weeds come back.

    Had a break to do a nice headlight Mod on the monster :) as I was getting bored ..
    Now ache like a gud un... and ouching ...
    If the sun comes out tomorrow I will cry as sure as hell won't be riding!!!
  3. It's not CERN (where do you get this stuff from - the Beano?)

    It might be random

    It might be global warming.
  4. Just as a few years ago smoking was good for your health and carbon in the atmosphere wasn't related to global warming or unusual weather patterns
  5. Exactly my point. Which brings us back to the book that I feel we should all be reading in the first place which you will find in my first post on this thread.
  6. Or could it be climate change ?

    Have you ever thought about how you might measure the temperature of the earth ?

    A cup of tea is easy, the earth isn't.
  7. Climate change = global warming. I mean, it's not getting any cooler, is it?

    Call it what you want.

    I suspect it is climate change, but one year could just be a random thing. Hard to prove.
  8. I accept climate change, what would be unbelieveable is a climate in stasis. The earth has been hotter and it has been cooler. Climate change = global warming is only one of two possibilities. And that is all quite separate from AGW.
  9. Ok - let's pin my colours to the mast.

    The world seems to be getting very hot in no time at all. If this is "just the way things are" it seems highly unlikely - there is no cause that I have heard of it that naturally explains it. Anything to do with the earth or the cosmos is a gradual thing in human terms.

    So what is the elephant in the room? Human activity. It's the only game changer in such a short period of time.

    I am very happy if you want to convince me otherwise.

    I am also interested to know, would the resistance to AGW be so pronounced if it was a thoroughly positive thing for all concerned, or could the reticence to buy into it be linked to the fact that reversing it is an expensive pain in the arse that would seem to curtail our enjoyment of the world and impoverish our lives as we know them in so many ways?
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