So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Arrived at Portsdown to thick sleet this morning, I was expecting to have to make a snowman!
  2. Is he a Hamish
  3. Back from France, the job went smoothly and we were finished early. The hotel we were working on was nice enough, but the food - wow - the three best meals I've ever had in my life, I'd happily recommend the hotel just for the food alone. Then we drove to Le Touquet and got pissed, like you do.
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  4. I had a pretty uneventful day yesterday apart from going to the docs first thing to get the results of a blood test to see if I'm B12 deficient.

    Apparently (at this stage anyhow) I'm not. :)
  5. no he is not a Hamish. :) i do know a MacSporran tho.
  6. Just finished the 3rd session on the 1st day at Cartagena and waiting on lunch. This afternoon and 2 more days to go - wahoo ! Andy
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  7. Have you had symptoms of possibly being anemic?
  8. I got bit by the dog again. He's a mental animal.
  9. Yes.......but I'm allegedly OK now :p

    Incidentally the doc gave me a printout of a website that gave food that was high in B12. The list includes clams, red meat, liver, and double cheeseburger!!!!!

    That's where I've been going wrong. I've only been having single cheeseburgers :D
  10. If your stomach cannot absorb B12 [stomach, not intestine], eating foods with high B12 may not be enough. You can easily get high-dose B12 tablets, but eventually if you still cannot absorb enough vitamin you can get injections. That's what my old mum and aunt had, and I may need the same eventually. Good luck with that El T.
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  11. Thanks Pete. About 3 months ago I did have to have a fortnight of B12 injections to boost me and it seems to have the trick.
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  12. I've been to the doctor's today for a check-up.........

    He asked if my bowel movements were regular and I said I went every morning at 7.0am.

    He reckoned that was OK.............I didn't........

    I don't get up until 8.0am.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  13. Hunted for tickets to the the Bush! no Joy!
  14. He can tell you don't like him.
  15. So did I sort of. In fact I delegated the task to my brother in Australia, seeing as I was giving a lesson on Excel at the fatal time.
    No joy, but I don't really care. It was a friend's idea (he had no joy either). I saw the Bush in 78 from the stalls when she was artistically perhaps at her peak (sad it was all downhill from there) and extremely nubile. And we definitely didn't pay about 100 notes for the fun, either.
  16. Dealt with two MacDonalds - karma - meh
  17. Spent the day in a Board meeting in London then suffered a 2 hour train ride home
  18. oh I forgot to mention 'breakfast club' this morning at work - £2.25 well spent :Happy:
  19. Worked my nuts off today, and working tomorrow but forecast is really good so will commute in on the bike and treat myself to a bacon sarnie first thing.
  20. George dubbyah?.......
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