
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by camelfarmer, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. The word Epic is very much overused in modern parlance. But not in this case - that was fucking EPIC!:upyeah:
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  2. ro-ro-rotate your owl...quality...right up my street for sillyness. :upyeah:
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  3. Business Cat is pretty funny too:

  4. What the..?:eek:
  5. We have some half feral cats out here, but the most recent litter are really cool with people and they're always pestering for a pet and some food. They don't get the food any more so they'll eat the mice.

    Anyway...my favourite one is about to die :(

    She as had wounds on her flank on a weekly basis for the last month or so, now she has another and she is refusing to eat or drink water. She has lost loads of weight and has hardly any energy to move. I'm thinking about putting her out of her misery and getting it over with as the poor thing is in a really, really bad way. I feel terrible right now, she's only a feral flea bag but she's one i have some attachment to and I can't so anything else to help her. I don't know what is biting her. IMG_2743.JPG
  6. It doesn't look good.
    Vet I would suggest and probably bye-bye. Sorry. But at least it won't really be your decision.
  7. *ahem* there are no vets here. It will be a fatal dose of lead that finishes the job. The only thing is, it has had these wounds over and over and always seems to heal but now its not eating and its appearing seriously done for. I think we will give it a little longer to see if things pick up.

    I'd rather shoot the biter than the bitee.
  8. Oh yes. Keep forgetting that you are probably living in a pile of rock and stone. From most of your posts, it never sounds like it. I suppose you could get a less cat-friendly mate to do the deed, then you wouldn't have to know too much about it. Keep it under surveillance a little longer, then.
  9. I'd rather do it myself so I know it's done with compassion and care. Any way, I'm hoping things improve. It just needs to eat and drink and it'll be ok.
  10. Sounds like it needs some antibiotics too.
  11. I only have access to hydrogen peroxide. We've been putting that on but every time it gets better it gets bitten again. Also, hydrogen peroxide is really painful on people but doesn't seem to bother cats.
  12. I can't believe none of your buddies has got some savlon or pile ointment. Anything will do. The options for the cat are pain or pain followed by death. Smother it in whatever you can lay your hands on
  13. You don't understand fig. Firstly it's a feral cat. I don't know if you have ever tried to administer savlon to a feral cat but it'd be quite a job. I pinned it down to pour Hydrogen Peroxide on it but it didn't like it too much. It licked that straight away too, the daft thing, so it will just lick off any ointment. It also gets re-bitten every couple of days, so I can help it heal again, and by tuesday morning it'll have a new one.
  14. So leave it, let it die.
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  15. Tom , that is almost undoubtedly another cat biting her . Cat bites are bad news and usually always abscess , and in my experience they don't usually get better without medical attention . Feral cats can cause a lot of problems for farmers ( here anyway ) , they camp out in the hay barn , pissing on the hay, which when fed to sheep can cause them to abort pregnancy ( I think its Leptospirosis ... cant be sure ) . I think you may have more than 1 cat to dispatch . I would ring the SPCA and have a moan at them .... tell em your worried about your familys health .... they should do something for you
  16. Yeah Fig , I have to put all my riding gear on just to get a worm pill down Poozers neck and he's tame ( till he sees the worm pills :) )
  17. We're talking about one of the world leaders in warfare against a near-dead cat...
  18. :) near dead are the very worst kind , surprisingly tenacious and feisty , and the bastards have ESP , if your intentions are of a fatal nature, you could be loaded with fillet steak and you still wont get within 10 feet of it ,
  19. Nonsense, just lob a blanket over it and it can't do owt.
  20. Ha ha yes Fig but the idea is to dispatch the cat .... not provide entertainment for the spectators:)
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