1098 LHD engine case

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Bagley1098, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Hi there
    I am after a left hand engine casing, as my chain has snapped and broke the casing.
    Ducati 1098; year 2007
    #1 Bagley1098, Mar 30, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2014
  2. You'll need a pair. They're machined as a matched assembly
  3. Hi Nelly
    Its the alternator cover i am after. I am hoping i don't need a crank cases.
    I have not removed the alternator casing yet, need to make a puller.
    I am hoping the slight damage to the crank case face can be cleaned and will seal ok.
    Fingers crossed

    #3 Bagley1098, Mar 30, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2014
  4. Ah...looks like you'll get away with that :) threebond should seal that ;)
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  5. Just need to find the bit when i take the casing off as i would have though it was hit inwards.
    Glad to read that you think i might be ok with sealant.
    Just hope i can find a casing soon.
  6. If its the same as a 999 LHS, I have one of them?
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  7. Get the busted one welded up and re machined
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  8. I think they are different, but can anyone advice?
  9. Hope your chin gets better
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