In the 2005 season, Spacey made his UK Shakespearean debut, to good notices, in the title role of Richard II directed by Trevor Nunn. If he can get away with Shakespeare, he can get away with advertising car insurance - anyone's better than that fat feckin' Dawn French
I loved the Matrix trilogy. OK, it had flaws, but it still made 3 great films. Interesting story, some watchable actors (and actress), a Ducati, some excellent CGI, fetish outfits, a huge dollop of strange philosophy and mind games, breakthrough film techniques, and a hilarious baddie with some great one-liners ("Goodbye, Mr. Anderson). Add all that up, and you end up with a damned sight more entertainment in a film than you normally do.
The 1st matrix was good. The second one average. The third meh. The bloke Reeves is more wooden than Lord Charles. The premise though is very interesting. Usual Suspects was very good.
Rubbish with no beginning, no middle, no end. Tries to be too smart for its own good. Just like usual suspects and whats that other one recently, inception?! Decaprio best work...
You mean it was being smarter than you? :Bucktooth: Decaprio, I agree is good too. That Catch Me If You Can was good.
Yeah and you Pomms are brilliant at patting yourselves on the back and congratulating yourselves (" What Ho Claude , we showed the blighters , Ra ra " with RSI in their little fingers ) after totally fucking it up . Don't get me wrong , I know there are a helliva lot of truly heroic British men and women out there , but if your top brass hadn't made the fuck ups that it did ( mostly due to arrogance and conceit ) you probly would have won the war without the yanks
Hey Donkey lover NZ is a british colony ( and Im chokin' on that :smile Aussie is where you sent all your bad breeding stock ( obviously ) and anyone who couldn't play cricket or rugby , and who else ever bowled underarm...... so don't tar me with that brush. NZ has a far nicer criminal element and we don't cheat at sports