i know. . there has been a change off police men/women in the area in last several years and it is a more aggressive form of policing. it is a more city type of approach witch the report was suggesting. trust me all the bigger towns and city's up here have more than there fair share of scrotes. but not every one up here is carrying a chib. not every 16year old is got a pocket full of pills. not every one is out to screw you. so just chill bill.
I'm sure there are enough signs showing the limit…..and most will have licences so they know what the signs mean….:Snaphappy::Headphone:
defo i was thinking the same, easily missed tho when your being invincible.. another fatality up the road today north of ballachuilish on fort road that's the forth in last 8months.
and what do you mean "your a local" i could live here another 30years and i still wouldn't be local. i would need to grow two heads or summit.
The police have a mandate from society to make sure that the law is upheld. The law is a code of agreements that society comes up with so that people live fairly and in some kind of harmony. So yes, authority is invested in the police. When they tell you to do something, you aren't supposed to say "Stuff it up your arse, filth" and ignore them. Of course, there may well be abuse of that authority, but police and the courts (all doing much the same thing, just different members of the team) are part of "the authorities" and generally society expects to treat them as such. All these people are society's servants, but they are given positions and powers to exercise authority on society's behalf. I should have thought that much was obvious.
chatting to my retired copper mate there about this thread. he used the phrase policing by consent apparently we are one of the few nations that have this. not entirely sure what that means.
The fundamentals of policing have been shifted over the years. In principle, I expect the police to let me carry on my life freely without worrying about crimes being committed against me or my property. They should simply enforce the laws I have voted in through a democratic parliament. If I am committing an offence I expect them to attempt to stop that and if the crime is serious hand over details to the CPS who can decide if the courts should have the pleasure of my company. Where we are wrong is when the police take a view that we are guilty by default, that they are authority figures who have a right to chastise us like inferiors, when they lack respect for the people they serve and when they fundamentally think their job gives them immunity from the same scrutiny they deploy against the rest of us. Constant abuses ranging from speeding, mobile traffic offences not being prosecuted through to unlawful deaths don't help the picture. Having said all that, the same issue seems common across police forces globally and if they are armed the problem gets much worse. It must be human nature and I think the police are effectively like a tribe and tribal rules start to apply - they think they are different from us. We don't help by thinking police are different from us! I know just one policeman and he's a regular bloke, doing a job. It's therefore odd that I have the same prejudice as most people.
My view is the police are political pcc anyone. They are set targets from the center or from a pcc and if that is reduce crime of course figures are cooked or altered.otherwise they are seen as not doing their job. Another problem is leadership they promote from within all do the same courses all taught to think the same way free thinking is not allowed. To go back to my earlier point whats better than a bent dodgey copper story or one where theyve saved a life.ect ect Enough.bad press and they are all tarred with the same brush. Ive met and been dealt with by.some right arrogant fu.ks in uniform but.ive spoken to some decent.ones as well. As a.job tjat.gets no thanks.and lots of negatives.I assume.over a period.of time youd just.get pissed.off.same as anyone else. Ive had sh.t service.from banks garages retail shops councils call centers pubs resturants plumbers and electricians and police. Suppose people just expect more from the police maybe I am just more realistic and accept they re human and perhaps they're just having a sh.t day.like the rest of us
Dont all police leaders start.as.constables.and then promoted up. Dont they all have to pass the same exams and do some sort of leadership course. I know they are talking about direct entry but its just talk. If its a national police standard stands to reason theyll all do the same courses to.pass. Please enlighten me if thats wrong
Wasnt there a report not so long ago that said police managers were poor at risk management risk averse or something like that and im sure that blamed the promotion.structure of the police. poor insular thinking leading to poor decisions and bad risk management. Dontb those quick promotion people start at pc and have to tick several boxes before promotion I see it happens faster but won't they do the same leadership courses as the others and become indoctrinated into the same way of thinking. Don't know for a fact working of second hand info so may be wrong. Im not here to fix the police just to say they are human like the rest of us. From my days in the RN if you're given an order you do it. I thought the police was the same hence some of the problems come from our management and not always the pc'
it is a disciplined service………..well was al a bit touchy feel now. your probably correct with your first paragraph leadership courses…….. for the chosen few and you have touched on the consequence..
Last one then I'll get off my soap box and f.ck off Some laws in this country are from the 1870 and some from the 1960 &70 The world had changed massively since then. Some would say wrong is wrong okay with that but maybe the people trying to enforce these old laws get upset because they are hard to apply in a modern world and any decent criminal or lawyer knows how to get round them. Just an idea. Finally speeding in italy which I love hence the user name do go there it's ace on approaches to small villages they have traffic lights which are attached to speed radars and if you just above the limit they flash orange if your well above it they go red and you stop usually for about 20 seconds. Took me a while to figure it out much Better than cameras or points and fines and they work. It's 30mph past at school at kick out time dangerous possibly Is 40 at 3 am dangerous probably not.
Off subject for a min, Canazei not to far from my mother in laws home town Udine and I love Italy as well. Steve
Servants!? I take it the Police would all be living downstairs at Petes house? I may pop a suggestion in to our local Constabulary that all police vehicles should henceforth be kitted out with a silver tea tray China cups a flask of earl grey and some cucumber sandwiches?