Someone's no claims is in for good bashing, but was it really the little cars fault for pulling out?, it sounded like the Lamborghini wasn't exactly hanging around!.
Hmmm. 30 mph? No. Out pops a blonde and a young guy with a baseball cap worn backwards. Then later in the vid we see a Maserati behind... So possible scenario: The young driver is showing off in front of the blonde and showing the Maserati that he has a faster accelerating car. Thing is, central London really isn't the best place to do it.
Well spotted lieutenant Columbo, I'd never seen the Maserati in the back ground. Looks like a case of willy shaking gone wrong!.:Asshat:
Lol yes because all the English are great drivers and every other country nobody can drive huh? Even if the car is left hand drive it doesn't mean it is foreign. What a silly if not stupid sweeping comment to make! But yes it does look like the Lambo was going to fast for the driver coming out of the junction to react in time.
Incredibly btloi the Aventador front offside tyre found traction on the (on half lock) exposed Mazda front n/side tyre creating the launch. As said, a tough one for accident assessor, the footage is invaluable.
It was meant to be a stupid and sweeping statement. Don't you know, this is the lounge. Everyone talks bollocks in here.
Had parked regularly at the Dorchester, likely it was bought left hand drive as it'll spend the summer on the continent/cote d'azur.
johnny foreigner cant drive as well as us, they even drive on the wrong side of the road for goodness sake. when I get to their country im going to show them how to drive on the correct side.