what do you pay for you Kw/h electric

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. Worth checking carefully with the comparison sites, BUT look at the rate per Kw/hr as otherwise the projected savings can be unreliable.

    I am with OVO Energy (worth supporting the smaller companies) and I presently am at 11.82p per Kw/hr and 21.92p/day. The Kw/Hr is the important rate to get as low as possible and fixed!
  2. It isn't complicated to get the best deal (or very near to it for a standard customer), as mentioned above know your usage and use a price comparison website. You can find your usage easily as you can read it from your bills - which should all be on real reads as being billed on estimates is a mugs game. Also make sure you're dual fuel and direct debit, but this has been publicised so many times that I'm sure that anyone who's bothered about cost already is. Then use a site like Uswitch. The days of relatively cheap energy are over though unfortunately, simple demand and supply of scarce resources.

    I used to work in the energy industry and unfortunately a lot of the media reports are tosh. Add in that successive governments have miss-managed the regulation and it's no wonder the public has no faith. Unfortunately it will get worse with the costs of environmentally sensitive generation, lack of investment, ageing generation fleet, etc. etc. The last thing the consumer needs at the moment is something like a monopolies investigation taking years and creating uncertainty.....but it looks like that's what we're getting.
  3. we have been having the electricity now for quite some time, the electricity is a good thing, i can push a button and every thing that was dark is now light. i can push another button to boil the water. and now i will be having my dinner from another device where i pushed a button, the wife says i am good at pushing peoples buttons.
  4. day 18.46 kwh. night 7.19 kwh. standing charge 18p a day. edf.
  5. Finm

    If you are not taking maximum advantage of the 'off peak' rates, ie heating your water in the immersion heater, using your washing machine, dishwasher e.t.c, you might find you are better of without the dual tarrif.
  6. I'd check the loft and garage for cultivation of exotic plants :Wacky:
    • Like Like x 1
  7. cheers never thought of that. we don't have storage heaters anymore (not since i removed the fuse sshh don't tell the wife)we do change company's. will sort that out. :upyeah: p.s. the dishwasher dont run on lecky:smile:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Just taken from my latest bill.
    1562 kWh at 11.230p per kWh £175.41
    Standing charge of 38.500p a day for 169 days £65.07
    I notice the standing charge varies with different companies.

    I check every year with a comparison site and for the last three years I have stayed with the same company although I have changed to a different tariff. The trick i have found is to use Top Cashback which generally gives me around £35 cashback even when staying with the same provider, I have had as much as £55 cashback when an offer has been on.
    What does make me annoyed, when we are told to cut back is the fact that the price of fuel gets cheaper the more you use, surely it should be the other way around and get dearer the more you use.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I'm an a standard plan with Co-Op.
    12.04 pence per kWh, 20.00 pence per day Standing charge.
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