Had a disturbed Night - CAUTION GRAPHIC CONTENT!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RickyX, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. I was busily minding my own business at home last night when I got a call from work:
    "Ere, how do we mend this??"


    20140403_145010 External.jpg

    Root Cause:

  2. You'll never find the other part to stitch that back on :Yuck:
  3. A bird in the hand....
  4. the eagle has landed alright..
  5. ok ill ask what is it . The bloodied end not the birds foot.
  6. That's sunday lunch sorted.
  7. that's a dead one.....you ain't flying nowhere. :Wideyed:
  8. Do you think they'll accept it as a warranty claim?
  9. duck tape?
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Hawk of some description, probably a buzzard. Feet are too small for an eagle...

  11. I can positively identify it as a blue hawk ......
  12. Touche... :)
  13. You did sort of walk/fly into that one -not literally of course!
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