Thought I would spend some time sorting out paperwork.Whilst doing this admirable task I came across the V5 for my latest purchase.I thought that was a bit odd as I filed it yesterday after spending,what seemed ages, with Carole Nash,arranging for the bike to be put on the renewal of my multi bike policy.Well,I have just insured the wrong bike,the one I was hoping to rebuild at some time. I don't know whether I can go through the same process again with Carole Nash over the phone -It was very wearing.:Banghead: Might be easier just to change the number plates,all these old bangers look the same anyway.
Swap the plates, in the past iv'e known 2 people who have owned more than 1 of the same sort of bike, they just tax & insure one of them, but run each one on the same plate.
When you get a bike MOT'ed nowadays, the tester has to key into his DVLA-linked computer both the registration plate and the frame number stamped on the frame. If the two numbers fail to correspond with the V5, you will have a problem. And to keep a bike on the road, the insured reg. number in the database needs to correspond to the number plate on the bike. If you are going to mix'n'match, you will need to get your ducks in a row.
I won't be going down the switch plate route Peter.My upbringing wouldn't allow me to do anything dishonest.