Strange things in the shed....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. I don't have any where to keep my bike when I get home, so Im going to buy another. Apparently a problem shared is a problem solved?
  2. what two minds in your shed
  3. I had a toad in my cellar a few years ago. I couldn't see how it could get out, though I had a pretty good idea of how it got in. Although there was probably quite a lot of food for it, it seemed a bit of miserable life, as unless a toad of the opposite sex fell into my cellar, it was always going to be "unfulfilled". So I liberated it and put in an interesting part of the garden. I discovered it half-eaten a few days later.
    Oh well. It's the thought that counts.
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  4. Boy, have I got them......they drive me (and him) round the bend
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  5. I once had a stripper in my shed.
  6. Please tell me someone has the skeleton of a camel they used to be married to, stuffed full of cigarettes
  7. A recumbent tricycle.
  8. a unicycle.
  9. My sister kept her long dead Iquana in the freezer for a about two years. It was just this giant iguana popsicle. She wanted to bury it properly, but didn't get around to it. Didn't even put it in a bag or anything :Muted:
  10. Wierdo! :Vomit:
  11. I know. My sister is bloody cray-zee. You'd like her :p
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  12. Pictures needed of both the sister and the dead reptile.
  13. o_O errrr, it was about 15 years ago and my sister is now the size of a small semi detached in Wiltshire...and that's being kind
  14. Another promising thread takes a nosedive.
  15. Harsh. But probably fair. :D
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