So you have a job where you are lording over the peasants preaching them all about integrity...........still pay back a small amount and apologise itll be OK>
She has been slain by the press for Levison and old school Tories who blame her for gay marriage laws - don't be fooled by the media. Personally, I think she didn't do that much wrong.
Why is the "Media" fooling us by reporting these events? Surely the public have a right to know what is going on in the world.
I think she used tax payers money to fund a house which not the house she should have claimed expenses for.This house she subsequently sold and made a substantial profit on. The amount of money she should have paid back,after an official enquiry was in the region of £48,000. Even if all these facts were false she should have been sacked for her arrogance she showed throughout the investigation which she dragged out by not co operating and as far as I can see,showing a great deal of disdain throughout.
it not as if she is short of money. She should have been sacked once the original findings where known. Very bad for the tories all this. Anther public servant serving themselves first.
I have refused to vote for any Party or MP until I see proper statesmen with intelligence and relevant experience being prepared to do their job efficiently; answer questions and explain government policies in a better way than 'Its the right thing to do'; and be above all, honest and sincere...... ...but given the opportunity I might give Niggle Farridge a vote, just to shake up the establishment........ Its the only way as I see it, to have a revolution, which is my preferred option.
This conveys to me that the last leader with any balls was Mrs Thatcher.Pity Cameron always seems to make the wrong decision.
How much evidence is there that the Tories are not a party of the rich, run for the benefit of the rich?
Her resignation this morning was totally unexpected, because, in my view, she's been providing quite a lot of culture, media and sport during the last week.
Oh, I thought you were referring to this guy Andy... BBC News - Ex-chief in £60k Essex Police bonus row gets hospital job
Don't forget her cash payoff.. Anyway, I thought the post was to do with the disbandment of the ACPO.
What exactly has she lost by resigning? It's only a ministers post, not like she's jumped on her sword and stopped being an MP....that's the gravy train!
Power. MPs don't have any. Ministers have lots. It's more a power game than anything else, although I suspect that the ministerial salary is worth having.
But she hasnt really, as she knows the Camster wants her back, bit like an extended holiday. And frees up time for consultancy works at £1500 per day (I say day, more like couple of hours being bought lunch)