750 ss ie

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by johnboy, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Just think of the satisfaction when its finished........ this will all seem like a minor blip........ or you'll be an alcoholic
  2. had a bit of a look around on the bike this afternoon
    just to see if i had missed anything when changing the engine
    or if i had caught anything
    also checked spark plugs which were black and sooty as hell
    so definetly running rich
    couldnt find anything out of place .....but for some reason had a look at the tps
    probably after reading another thread on here
    upshot was well connectors nice and green and the middle connector damaged
    so not sure if the tps would cause some or any of symptoms
    started up see how it ran and well running on rear cylinder only :Banghead:
    but that could be down to really low fuel
    seems 20 minutes running used about quarter of a tank of fuel
  3. whoo news flash


    still a little on the rich side but fair smooth
    had a check round tonight after work
    start with the basics
    put in a gallon of fuel ......nah that didnt cure it lol
    so checked plugs .....sooty
    checked for spark front cylinder no spark
    tried spare coil no different
    swapped plugs from front to rear hey back one doesent fire check no spark
    so fair new ngk R spark plug is faulty no suprises there
    so pinch a plug out of the old engine plugs that came with the replacment engine
    find one of them is duff aswell
    so mix of new ngk R and an old iridium plug and it runs pretty good
    so just tidy up a few bits and then its time for new belts and getting the fuel mixture sorted
    and see about getting throttle bodies balanced aswell

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  4. At last, see you at the Super sausage in June!!!
  5. Great news....... that's dedication if I ever saw it
  6. dedication nah ....bloody mindedness
    never let an inanimate object get the better of me

  7. dakk did you sort out about relocating the ignition coils
  8. Has a running engine, but not properly........buys another engine, which runs but not properly...........changes spark plugs and the second one runs OK.................wonders why the spark plugs weren't changed in the first engine.......;)
  9. Not yet mate, ran out of cash to get the new top fairing before the service. Hope to get one next month once its all taxed, mot'd and insured. So won't be able to see where coils will be until I get one. Another thing to add to the list eh.........
  10. did change the plugs in the first engine al and the ht leads
    first engine changed out mainly to other problems ie loads of metal in bottom of engine
    and its the new plugs that are duff dam ngk R plugs
  11. right guys back off a long weekend away with the kids
    and a fresh mind on the bike
    and thinking of some of the small jobs
    so the first one is the speedo
    the trip reset knob thingy on the side of the speedo is missing
    does anyone have a spare kicking around :)
  12. Sorry John............I used my spare to make a remote idle adjuster..........
  13. no problem al :upyeah:
  14. I will see if I have another one today..........
  15. your a star ;)
  16. It seems I'm not................I have a spare, but already modified it for another remote idle speed adjuster and I can't find another one, John..........If I do, I will let you know.


    However, one wouldn't be too hard to make........use a broken tacho or speedo cable and say; a control knob from a radio or hi-fi unit which can still be bought.......Some cars have dashboard controls which would do the trick as well.

    If I had the parts I can do it if necessary.

  17. no problem al i shall keep a look out for one
    might have a set of clocks in the shed of an fz 600 now i wonder ............
  18. Got a broken speedo or tacho cable? Just the inner.........I have found some bits to make one....
  19. see what i can come up with first al
    but hold that thought :upyeah:
  20. It won't cost you.........;)
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