Bike Safe

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by apuhtred, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Doing one of these in a couple of weeks do you get a reduction in your insurance once completed?

    Regards Steve
  2. Nope... you need to go on to do iam for that unfortunatly. Where you doing it? They are more of a rider assessment nowadays than a mentor day.
  3. read on the bike safe web site what the day is about….as above it is a taster sand introduction to the idea of further training…….once you get beyond the sam brown and pipes which a lot of people have a problem with there is some learning to be had………..even if its the perception of perceived ability versus actual ability….o_O
  4. I had my arm twisted to do one a few years ago with Warks plod.It did take a while to get used to following/being followed by the boys in blue but after a bit you get used to it.If Im honest,I ended up quite enjoying it.Following them to dinner or back to HQ for debrief ,me on a blade him on a paneuro,was an eyeopener.
  5. I am doing it in Southampton hope it will be good but not really interested in doing advanced course at the moment. It may change me once I have done it.

    Regards Steve
  6. I've done a one day Bike Safe and a two day Ride to Arrive course, both run by Avon and Somerset police and learnt a lot from them. They are well worth doing in my opinion - I don't think that anyone on either course felt any different.
  7. I couldn't recommend advanced training enough, in whatever form it takes.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Since doing further training I have never ridden faster,nor enjoyed riding come rain or shine more,it's doing what's appropriate right time right place that counts, and guess what. My mentors are mainly police riding instructors who love riding first and foremost, further training will give you so much more enjoyment,and you never stop learning.ever. I instruct and have had regular training for years now, will never stop.
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  9. Think I had better put the regulate number plate back on.

    Regards Steve
  10. Yep, no discount on insurance. Annoyingly though if you join the IAM or RoSPA, you're sub will be more than the insurance discount, rendering the membership benefits moot.
    Saying that, I highly recommend advance rider training. RoSPA is great but also look at Rapid Training. All very good
  11. I did one at Castle Coombe and while I enjoyed the road part (as much as I can enjoy being stuck in a traffic jam with a liveried plod bike behind me!) I admit I was mainly doing it for the track time. Were I nearer the track this year I'd definitely do it again.
  12. No discount on insurance for having done Bikesafe, but you usually get discount for being a member of IAM/RoSPA. Definitely do if your an IAM member insuring via IAM Surety insurance (a division of Adelaide).

    Yes, the advanced course might cost more in the first year but your not considering all the benefits: a) you'll be a better, safer rider because of the training, b) discounted insurance, c) other discounts on vehicle related stuff for members, d) usually a good bike club (IAM clubs, anyway).

    Also, the IAM is doing a deal where you pay and get a free year of RAC cover for your bike plus the IAM course for the same cost. Some IAM clubs also do discounts on the 'standard' IAM fee too. Once you've passed your IAM test, the club fees are usually no more than £20 a year.

    And Bikesafe only scratches the surface of advanced riding.
  13. Don't confuse the castle Combe combo session- track 15 mins and 60 mins ride with the full day/2 day courses. Chalk and cheese. Cc day is amusing and slightly informative as an introduction. But u can't cover much in your 30 min part of the ride.
    Very much in flavour of any advanced or extra training - if only to make you think bit irrespective of wether you've been riding for 40 years....
  14. Rosa re test is free,no annual membership,retest after one year if you achieve bronze,two years if you achieve silver and three yearly if you achieve gold,think it was about£50 for test so that is fair if you only retest every 3 years. Rapid training is excellent, especially if you have done aim or rospa already,they can take you to much higher levels,but it can be a very intense and tiring day for some.
  15. The Rospa retest is only free if you've paid renewal fee
  16. oh I'm a massive believer in advanced training. Road or track, my point was if you're only doing it for the insurance discount, you're missing the point as it will cost more than you save
  17. See what you mean now :)
  18. Who was your trainer?
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