English have no power. Fact. Just derision from all others and are a cash cow for the sad and infirm who live elsewhere
I think he is moaning coz he has to give Scotland some of its own money back it earns from Scotlands Oil and Gas. I think he also called you sad and infirm Fin.
I have no issue with losing the Union if democratically voted for by the Scottish people. I'd be interested to see the outcome if the English had a vote. It seems to me the English allow other countries in the union to influence domestic policy while at the same time giving up those rights to the regional assemblies. We also give up powers to the EU so a redress of the balance seems overdue. Oddly, fervent Scottish, Welsh of Irish nationalism is tolerated, English nationalism is somehow branded as racist often in the press. As a white English guy with a known penchant for not dating white English girls, I don't find my desire to see self governance for the English as a threat to a diverse and inclusive society. It would be great to hear a prime minister stand up for England without fear of losing seats in other countries required for a grasp on power. The system is currently flawed as we are half way through a process that was blundered at the start and now seems an unbalanced compromise.
Well, I'm sure that Members of the Scottish Parliament are very frugal with their expenses..... but what's this? Revealed: The five-star suite Alex Salmond enjoyed at the taxpayers' expense - Telegraph
Well they named this one after him, so recently? Travelodge | Edinburgh Cameron Toll hotel - Edinburgh Cameron Toll hotels
because they are the same public sector employees as all the other public sector employees, and should be subject to the same Austerity measures as everyone else....... Why doesnt a Politician have to abide by the same financial restraints expected of a Nurse working in the big city? Or more to the point why doesnt a Nurse working in the city get the same package as an MP...
Ludicrously naive. People who have risen to the top of any industry enjoy the benefits. You probably wouldn't expect the top premier league players to stay at a travel lodge before a major game but throw scorn at those elected to lead our country. Security issues aside, no successful individual will be attracted to politics and bring their leadership and knowledge to the table if they are expected to be subjected to scornful mass-led rules like that. The cabinet now has a muslim minister (an ex banker) who has taken a 95% cut in salary to become an MP. You'd now stuck him in a travel lodge. Naive and the very sentiments that will drive successful and innovative leaders away from politics.