Parrish is ok , tech knowledge , he can ride the things , has been pretty good as a rider , has a wicked sense of humour ect ect . So long as the Aussie dick splash isnt with him i can live with that , and he was best buddy with Bazza Sheene .
If you have a land line you all ready do as i believe the phone line systems are theirs and the other providers rent them from BT .(bit like the rail network, the track belongs to one lot and the rest fight over running stuff on it )
Local Loop Unbundling is what it is. I had all sorts of rubbish thrown at me by BT about this when I deserted them for Sky, saying how inefficient Sky were and how they would never be able to sort out problems quickly but they could because of below etc. etc. Strange I have never had a problem since going to Sky, so it was all totally unfounded. "Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) is the process where the incumbent operators (BT and Kingston in the UK) makes its local network (the copper cables that run from customers premises to the telephone exchange) available to other companies. Operators are then able to upgrade individual lines using DSL technology to offer services such as always on high speed Internet access, direct to the customer"
I've nothing against Parrish, he's well capable and I hopefully imagine he's making BT pay plenty, what pisses me off is the arrogant assumption by BT that they believe they're somehow qualified to take on the role of sole rights provider, when clearly they're just making it up as they go along.
Parrish is a seasoned professional. At least he sounds like a commentator and his speech is well presented
Dont like parrish dont like hewen both are a step back thought toby moody and neil.spalding were.very good. They had ben.spies on last night he was good liked an updated mamola. Coverage is good a bit better than.eurosports the commentray team not as good
I was fortunate to watch the practicing yesterday, with Ben spies giving some eloquent insights on some of the participants . Turns out most of the racers are in awe of MM and honestly admit they can't do what he can. I like Parish, so am hoping that the commentary will only improve.
Oh please, no! Coverage seems better but there was a lot of waffle in between - still, better than BBC showing the front only and yada, blah, something commentary.
Dont mind Mel Sykes and remember Suzy Perry knew nothing about bikes either. Its bloody Hewen I cant stand , he's a dinosaur , and he engages gob before even watching the race.
Have to agree, I'm sure Ms Sykes has many talents, unfortunately fronting Moto GP on telly ain't one of em!
I don't know what people have against Parrish. He's amusing and it's not as if he doesn't know what he's talking about. I did see one GP on and have to say that the commentary was rubbish. No idea who does it, but amusing, informative and entertaining it was not. Commentary very good on Swiss TV (but I can see that that is of no interest to you...). They said yesterday that Switzerland and Belgium are now the only European countries where Moto GP is available on terrestrial TV. Switzerland already signed up to the end of 2016 (after that, renegotiation, but it's been on the TV as long as I've been here, so at least 25 years). I find the BSB commentary dire too. But then ITV specialise in dire commentary. Their football commentary is cringeworthy compared to the Beeb.