There was another one a while back with a Yamaha painted in Ducati GP colours lol on both counts (Ducati and GP)
The 1290 comes soon. It took a while to arrive as I wanted a black one not an orange one. Sorting trade in bike next week and now waiting on the options for the KTM.
You going to throw up a review when you've finally got it....the 1290, z1000, Tuono style is my favourite style of be interested to hear from someone who isn't writing for a mag... Eg someone on here had a demo on a s1000r and thought it was nothing to write home about whereas I watched BVg video on youtube and he was raving about it....
Hey - you could change your name to "Count Von Grumble" - thatll be 50 quid for the consultancy and P.R.
When you have a Suzuki but really want a Ducati: SUZUKI GSXR 750 FITTED WITH DUCATI BODY KIT REMUS CAN VERY NICE LOOKING BIKE | eBay
That's a pretty standard practice when developing a bike - you buy the competitions products and strip them to see how things are done, it's called benchmarking. It reveals some interesting hidden truths about some popular bikes.