Header pipe

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Multi rider, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Header pipe polished 2.JPG

    Now thats what i call a shiny header pipe :)

    Wonder how long it will stay like this?:upyeah:

    Header pipe polished 2.JPG
  2. Shiny but kinda fuzzy round the edges :tongue:

    Give us the lo-down on the pimping precess then ;-)

  3. Let's just say I had to rub my pipe for a very long time : :biggrin:

    Just kidding, it was pretty straight forward, fetched a stainless polishing kit from halfords. It comes with 3 buffing wheels for the drill machine, one hard sisal one and two softer ones. Polishing paste included.

    Couple of hours on the vice and job done? Haven't done the fine polish, but don't think it needs it! Very satisfying work actually!
  4. Good work....you just need to pull it off (more innuendo! lol) again and take another photo when you haven't got the DTs lol
  5. SO this is what it looks like fitted...the shaking has stopped now!

    oops cant upload photo as the upload manager is full....How do I delete old attachments?:eek:
  6. Looks great multi, A couple of hrs, fcuk that mate! Lifes too short:biggrin:
  7. Each to his own....I got a bone rubbing my pipe till it shines....it's very satisfying watching the rust peel away!
  8. Fritz, don't start deleting previous attachments yet (nothing more annoying than posts that refer to images/photos that have gone!;-)
    I'll speak to rob about this.........meantime host photos elsewhere and insert in your posts: Free Photo Hosting
  9. #9 Multi rider, Jul 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2012
  10. Looks like the pipe was the tip of the iceberg so to speak! lol..........bit more cleaning to do yet :eek:

    PS: Does catchmypicture give you the option to post/link to different size versions of images?.......photo too large to display ;-)
  11. Thats some nice pipe polishing there my friend! Hmm have you got a distance / overall shot just to get an idea of how bling it looks on the bike?
  12. I am busy getting the bash plates powder coated black. Once its all done I will post another pic...
    Andy will try smaller pics next time...as you probably guessed I'm a bit of a bits and bytes lysdexic Ahh I mean dyslexic
  13. I'm happy to host any 'interesting' photos you may want to post Fritz........SmugMug's 'share' feature let you post images to forums etc at a number of different size options i.e. SmugMug can resize images on the fly so to speak for posting. Benefit is that you have your hi-res photo available still but can post an 800x600 version easily (and link to the original if you want).
    AndyW-inuk's Photos : Motorcycles : Ducati Multistrada 1200
  14. Pipedetailing is your gig-engine detailing,..not so much.
  15. jees guys give a man a break :)...I am still in the process of cleaning her up! I will post a pic once its all done promise! The intention was to remove the bash plates and clean her up, but I got a bit sidetracked with the polishing malarky :)

    just got back from a very hot Dubai, and guess what...its still raining here....perhaps I will forgo the cleaning and start building an ark...anyone got some good plans to work from?

    PS if the flight was not delayed I would have had those bash plates on by now!
    #15 Multi rider, Jul 13, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2012
  16. Nice one multi!
    What time will I drop mine over to u? :)
  17. As soon as you are ready....I was surprised how easy it actually went, but the crud comes off real quick and then the shine is there!
  18. #18 Multi rider, Jul 19, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
    • Like Like x 1
  19. The powder coating looks like a nice job Fritz.......the bike looks better with each photo set :upyeah:

    TIP: Soft rag soaked with Paraffin (kerosene) and you'll be able to rub those tar spots away - paraffin is best as no solvent so no damage to paint or any other finishes ;-)

    I'm away on the bike for a long weekend now.........look forward to next set of photos in the cleaning progression when I get back :biggrin:
    #19 AndyW, Jul 20, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2012
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