Offences While Drunk

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. So we all heard of drink driving and we know car, motorbike hell even a bicycle used while drunk can lead to an offence if caught. Now I am not here to start a war if it is OK or not to drink and drive.

    I had a idea is there a offence for riding a horse while drunk or if you in India riding an elephant whilst drunk, under influence of drugs :)

    Except some kind off RSPCA offence what if rider was sober but horse pissed?

  2. If your drunk on a bicycle, you don't get charged with drink driving, you can get charged with being riding unfit I believe.
  3. There's no fine or owt for being drunk in charge of a bicycle, you just get lobbed in the cell til you sober up. Don't ask me how I know this:(
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. Was it your mate again?:Angelic:
  5. I have some advice for those nabbed whilst drunk... Don't admit to anything, even if you think honesty is the best policy. By saying nothing there is a good chance you will walk away with no punishment and no record. By admitting guilt you'll run the risk of a petty incident ruining your future career hopes. SAY NOTHING.
  6. i will ask my mate. but there seems to be a few differences up here.
  7. That's cos there's more drunks up there...
  8. very true. longer winters.
  9. This is kicking off so now back to animal drunk riding or riding a drunk animal what we do with that :)
  10. I think the rules on bicycles have changed and you can now be charged with riding a bike whilst under the influence of drink or drugs.

    Approx 25yrs ago I looked at buying a house on the Arun with its own river frontage, mooring and boat. The owner was quick to tell me you could drive the boat to the local pub (also on the river) and there was no charge of being DUI whilst driving the boat. I have no idea if that is true, but it certainly made the house very appealing.
  11. You'd surely be committing an offence by giving alcohol to the animal or allowing the animal to access alcohol so you'd be in trouble before setting off. I guess you could be charged with an offence based on reckless behaviour rather than drunk animal riding
  12. Come on there has to be a funny offence somewhere in there ;)
  13. Sleeping with mingers.
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  14. thats about the only time whisky and water dont mix.
  15. You can be charged for riding a horse while you (not the horse) are drunk same act and section as the pedal cycle offence.
  16. A friend of mine was given 'sleeping accomodation' after crashing into a war memorial on his push bike whilst drunk. His Jack Russel was also impounded for the duration of his stay.
  17. well he would have needed a pillow
  18. Good advice. But if you are too drunk to know what you are saying, or when to shut up, then ...
  19. its the last bit i struggle with. :smile:
  20. i seem to remember you could be done for drunk in charge of a petrol mower ? :Nailbiting:
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