1200 Stolen Red Multi Cn11bke From Slough

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by cadoganpier, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. Hi Guys, my beautiful multi has been stolen from the Marriot Hotel in Slough/Langley between 08:00 and 11:00 this morning 16/04/2014. It is red with a carbon tank cover, carbon mudguards front and back, a puig smoked screen and a tank bag clip on the fuel filler. There is a reward for any info.
  2. Will keep em peeled. That registration is memorable. Sorry to hear about it mate. Gutted for you. Hope you get it back okay. :Inpain:
  3. Hotel car park - any CCTV footage?
  4. ....well worth checking and if there's CCTV from other localities adjacent ;-)
    Sorry to hear this........between 08:00 and 11:00....brazen bastards!
  5. Was there a disc lock/chain on it?

    If so, chances are you should be looking for 4 blokes in a van on the CCTV?

    Hope you get a decent result? I had a 6 day old Fireblade stolen in '95 - turned up, but was a write off as they had snapped the steering lock lug off the frame - thieving 4rseholes should be castrated.
  6. As above, any security or tracker fitted?
    it's one on my worst nightmares. I feel for you. It would be driving me up the wall wanting to know what wankers took it. I'm at brands this weekend so will keep my eyes open.
    you got any pics of it?
  7. They have CCTV of a couple of vans, one of which must be the one that took it, there was no way it was ridden away. One of the gardeners said he saw three blokes in a van speed of..
  8. In case it helps, it had the following extras, you never know someone might offer them on their own cheap.
    Carbon tank cover, carbon front and rear mudguards, carbon exhaust head shield, HID lights, Puig short screen, 2013 touring seat, Palmer gear lever, R & G crash bungs, keyless fuel cap, Givi tank bag locking ring on the fuel cap, lock wired grips, new road sport 3's, a Givi top box mount, fat ducs and an ipod handlebar mount and charger.
  9. Start trawling Fleabay and Gumtree. They will probably have it stripped for parts by now or it's in Europe. Hope Plod get a result soon.
  10. Sorry to hear of your bad luck and hope you get the outcome you want.
  11. How about ...
    Chop there hands and b'ollox off, poke one eye out, wire wheel the b'stards then salt bath them, give them a good bull whipping, wrap them in copper wire and connect to an electric supply and keep increasing the voltage slowly, chain them in a rat infested garden shed and when gangrene has set in attach the chain to the back of your car and tow them down to A&E.... nurse them back to health .... then repeat.
    Alternately give them criminal immunity, an all expenses paid holiday, free driving lessons, beer and crack tokens, rent free accommodation, and the right to do what ever they want to. Oh!! they have all of that all ready!!
    Poor little lambs must have had troubled upbringings, surely we cant begrudge them being owed a living.
    The reality is after that rabid scum have had there filthy mits on your bike do you want it back!
    I think there is more chance of your bike being a nick to order donor for a twated machine than broken for fleabay.
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  12. Had a friend called Rash (sadly died in a bike accident a few years back) He had a copper coluored gixer stolen from outside his house one morning, got paid out on the insurance, a few weeks later it popped up on ebay, he told the police and ebay, neither of them were interested, He told the police he was going to arrange to view it, and they said if he did and got into an altercation they would arrest him for intent to cause GBH.
  13. Feel for you mate, way to close to chalvey for my liking :(

    (anyone knowing the area would understand what I mean)
  14. I am so sorry to hear about this,especially as I know the location and the hotel really well! The hotel charges more than enough for supposedly 'secure' parking and they absolutely MUST do better for you than they seem to be doing. Insist they support you in your efforts to track these total bastards down and furthermore they do more to ensure they protect their patrons and their property otherwise they categorically don't deserve or merit the business.
    I wish you massive luck with finding your bike!
    Unfortunately the scum involved are stealing to order, so your bike is likely to already belong to someone else regrettably either whole or in parts!!
    I hope for a better outcome for you.

    Good luck
  15. Thats a proper shitter

    Silver lining tho, at least it won't rust to bits, lunch its engine or have a sticky starter button now :)
  16. Didn't the hotel car park have camera on the gate? Most of the hotels I have used the last couple of years all have barrier control with cameras on them.

    Actually, I stayed at that hotel when we went to Legoland last year, and sure it was gate controlled?
  17. I recently heard that those type of hotels is the favourite hangout for thieving vehicle scum. The insurance broker at work explained they particularly like building sites as white vans are plentiful. They sit and wait up to 50 m away, when you click your alarm or door lock they clone it, wait for you to disappear then drive your car away or have your bike in a van.

    It's highly unlikely to be returned so when the bike is replaced get a tracker fitted.

    Hope your back on the road very soon.
  18. Lets all keep an eye out for a any new members on here asking for advice about rust,starter buttons, tyres and where to put his tax disc. Any newbie introducing themselves should be asked for proof of ownership and be treated with suspicion..........
  19. The whole thing was very suspicious, at this particular hotel the car park can't be seen from the road, and as I was late there was no way I was followed by anything. There is CCTV on the way in and out and no space for a van to loiter, my money is on either a cabbie or a member of staff tipping them off but even that is strange as there are never any bike parked there and the police confirmed that they have never had a report of a bike stolen from there, I was in a car bay 20m from a busy hotel front door.
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