You must have some time on your hands, they would be the last thing I would piss about trying to make myself, I bet the ingredients alone are twice what a pack of from Tesco costs
Just. I didn't have enough bog standard flour so I had to use a bit of rustic brown stuff to get up to weight! No. HCBs are as rare as rocking horse poop here.
The taste jury is quite satisfied. They probably should have risen a bit more, but my house was cold yesterday (it isn't warm today) and finding a warm place to put the dough to rise was challenging. But the taste of hot cross buns is most definitely there and I have been toasting them and eating them with melted butter. Well worth the trouble. Ingredients? 350g of flour, a bit of milk, sugar, an egg and a few spices and sultanas. So not exactly wallet pounding. Guaranteed free from artificial flavours and preservatives, too.