Here are 10 suggested rules to try and keep to in life: 1. Love well 2. Seek the good in all things 3. Harm no others 4. Think for yourself 5. Take responsibility 6. Respect nature 7. Do your utmost 8. Be informed 9. Be kind 10. Be courageous (Acks to Prof AC Grayling)
Prefer these.. Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like no-one's watching. Sing like no-one's listening. Live like there's no tomorrow. Fear like a stone. And my personal favourite. Fuck like you are being filmed
For the warriors amongst us... 1. Love your brothers, they will be with you until the end 2. Seek hardest path in training and the easiest in battle 3. Harm only those who must be harmed. 4. Think for yourself but be selfless 5. Take responsibility for your shortcomings and address them 6. Respect your foe, he is just as you are 7. Do your utmost. Always. 8. Be informed 9. Embrace fear, it is your friend 10. Be courageous to the end. Although I do not support the context within which the following was created... it's applicable to warriors everywhere... 1. You are the chosen ones of the [insert nation here] Army. You will seek combat and train yourselves to endure any manner of test. To you, the battle shall be fulfilment. 2. Cultivate true comradeship, for by the aid of your comrades you will conquer or die. 3. Beware of talking. Be not corruptible. Men act while women chatter. Chatter may bring you to the grave. 4. Be calm and prudent, strong and resolute. Valour and enthusiasm of an offensive spirit will cause you to prevail in the attack. 5. The most precious thing in the presence of the foe is ammunition. He who shoots uselessly, merely to comfort himself, is a man of straw who merits not the title of Parachutist. 6. Never surrender, to you death or victory must be a point of honour. 7. You can triumph only if your weapons are good. See to it that you submit yourself to this law - first my weapon and then myself. 8. You must grasp the full purpose of every enterprise, so that if your leader is killed you can fullfil it. 9. Against an open foe, fight with chivalry, but to a guerilla, extend no quarter. 10. Keep your eyes wide open. Tune yourself to the top most pitch. Be nimble as a greyhound, as tough as leather, as hard as Krupp steel and so you shall be the [Insert nationality here] warrior incarnate.
We were Woking at a prison in NI a few years ago. The escorts are all ex officers that look after you. One of them gave us our induction and asked us "what's the first rule?" Blank expressions from both of us... "Let's not get feckin excited" was the reply. Still use that today.