St.georges Day

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by plug, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. It is St. Georges Day today, I have heard a couple of mentions on the radio but that's it.

    Is it a case of, we are allowed to be British but not English ?

    Sod it, I am going to celebrate with a few beers and maybe slay a dragon later if I can find one.
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  2. fine to celebrate st patricks day
    but put up a st georges flag and a your a racist

    someone painted a st george flag on the side of a house a few years back for the world cup
    had to paint over it as it had been reported as offensive and racist doh !
  3. Can you leave it till after she's made my tea please? :)
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  4. No tea for you if she find's out your pet name for her :D
  5. same over here cant fly your country's flag in case it causes offence.
  6. You can blame the EDL BNP etc for that one. Lets be completely honest, the only saints day that anyone celebrates is st Patrick's day, and that's only because of Guinness
  7. The George cross is unfortunately considered racist because of its adoption by racist organisations. Perhaps we should be focusing our displeasure about this toward the organisations which have made it a racist symbol. It's a terrible situation, but its where the 'brand' sits.
    #7 philoldsmobile, Apr 23, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  8. Guinness !!! What's wrong with a buxom woman & a jug of mead
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  9. Absolutely nothing at all :)

    Just not those buxom 'women'
  10. An extra day of Bank Holiday for St George, for Shakespeare, and for the Queen's birthday would be nice. Any excuse really.
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  11. George who?
  12. who will be the patron saint of Cornwall then.
  13. Jefro
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Civil servants get a holiday for the Queen's Birthday.

    Thought I'd mention that in the hope of pissing someone off.
  15. I hung a flag outside my office window for the day, is that racist ? It's alright when the football is on !
  16. Wurzel Gummage!
  17. The Queen probably, she has to work on her birthdays.
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