'kin Ell!

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by WAH900ss, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. I dont know what they are worth. But I love the look
  2. Can we assume from the photo selection that it looks a bit awkward from the side?

    ps I had one of those early belt 900s for a while .... it felt very fast but had considerable trouble staying shiney side up. Ended up parked on top of a hedge, upside down and entangled in barbed wire .... good old NU did me a huge favour and wrote it.
  3. I could build two of those for 9.5k. Looks like the seller is trying to recover his build costs. Very overpriced.
  4. ........and why do these specials always end up with that f*****g awful fairing?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. They are a professional shop that built its reputation on flat trackers so factor in time spent it is about right. I'm building something similar it won't cost me anywhere near that price though. Al you heathen that fairing is a work of art and it's hip daddio with the cats ;)
  6. i agree on the build costs by a commercial company, but that does not equate to sales value. Thats where people go so wrong with selling specials
  7. Don't disagree however some advertising exec based in the smoke will snap it up along with 59 club and ace cafe badges
  8. I am thinking of quitting my day career and just building bikes, one of those a month plus a few bits would be nice.
  9. .....I really must dig out my extensive collection of shredded Lewis Leather jackets and old ripped up jeans ... must be worth a fortune now that "Cafe Culture" and irritating joung arty types are fashionable. Not to speak of my old Nava lid that looks like a boiled egg that's just been bashed with a t-spoon (courtesy of landing head first in a rocky ditch with enough force to compress my spine by a couple of inches).
    • Like Like x 1
  10. I would rather have Sevs for half that
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Bizarre I v nearly posted that exact response. One of the nicest best sorted ss out there
  12. Looks a bit multistrada gangly!
  13. I'd rather a Sports Classic and play with that
  14. seen this from someone elses "sly" photos,taken normally(phone cam) without the arty effects,its "mutton dressed".
    from side on it looks like it was someones first go at a streefighter,disjointed and fugly and from

    the rear, the seat unit etc leans down to the left,so looks twisted slightly plus doesnt sit in line with centre of tank which itself doesnt sit centre to the headstock.

    rest of it is just a meccano kit of bits n peices,oh n shiny back tyre?..:Dead:

    for a custom build its a fkn mess.9.5k is a joke.
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