[Post from Gliddofglood]: I am glad there is a Sharia watch, although it should be completely unnecessary. From a rapid read of the website suggested, it appears they have a problem with the following: Sharia Law - on the basis that it is discriminatory (against women and non-Muslims, notably). Sharia Finance Halal Food The arguments advanced for finance and food seem to be the same - that the industries go to finance terrorism and are uncontrolled. That doesn't seem to me to be a credible basis for being against it in a blanket fashion. If you want to invest your money according to sharia rules and with dodgy companies - more fool you, but it's your choice. God knows there is enough dodginess in normal finance. As for the Halal argument, I didn't find anything about animal welfare in it. But then there are terrible abuses of animals in non-Halal food (cf pork production). So some of that economy goes to fund terrorism. Well that's criminal, but it doesn't have much to do with halal food, any more than if you said that a lot of companies producing organic food funded the Animal Liberation Front. What's that got to do with wanting to eat organic? Which brings us to the Sharia Law. I can't see what an alternative justice system is doing in the UK. What legal basis does it have? And if it is voluntary, does that mean that Scientologists should also be allowed their own arbitration structures? Still, it's a very shrill website.
Criticise sharia law at your peril. You will end up with some missing anatomy. A lot of the followers of Islam are not noted for toleration.
Just on Halal food "Countryfile" on the BBC did a feature on it. The abatoir they featured stated and showed animals being killed virtualy the same as a normal abatoir ie the animal was stunned then as the throat was slit a prayer was said. They did state though that a small number of animals were not stunned before having the throat slit. That was because strict adherence to the Koran states that the animal has to be able to hear the prayer as its throat is cut. Its exactly the same in a Kosher abatoir
That's because Jews and Muslims are two peas from the same pod! Same beliefs and customs just different words/pronunciations used
Christians came from the same pod. There is even a split in the Muslim ranks between Sunnis and Shias and all that came about because they couldn't agree on who was the boss after Mohammed went
They may have come from the same pod but they have moved with the times, even though they still believe in the same fairy stories. Christians (apart from veggies of course ) don't mind eating pig and shellfish. They've discovered that good cooking techniques and better food hygiene mean that you actually don't throw up when you eat pig or shellfish and therefore it wasn't God/Allah/Jehova* that said they were halal/kosher* and that you cant eat those particular foodstuffs. *delete as appropriate
absolutely no problem with sharia law what so ever, as long as the victim is allowed to choose which justice system is used
They're talking about relaxing the law on adultery in Iran. You still get stoned to death, but they will use much smaller stones.
Some may call me ignorant but to be honest I don't give a fu@k for any of it. Someone once said "man becomes evil when religion is involved". I have to agree, most of the sh1t flying is down to religion. I doubt Jesus or any of the "starters of religion" would condone what is being done in their name/cause! Just let those of us who want to live a peaceful life be. Rant over, now where's my starter button :Finger: