Mrs Mervyn Deserves A Medal

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mervyn, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. Today started off not so well when my Dr told me the results of my Recent X rays showed pronounced Osteoarthritis in my right hip.This helped explain why I fell off my bike a while ago when I put my right leg down whilst coming to a standstill.Also explains why I find it difficult to get my leg over these days:)This combined with the ongoing problems of dealing with my Fibromyalgia left me feeling more than a bit peed off.
    What to do with the bikes,should I hold fire on the new workshop planned for the garden,or should i just jump off Beachy Head.
    After chatting to Mrs Mervyn about this she came up with the following 'Get the new workshop and fill it with motorbikes':upyeah:
    God bless my best mate-Mrs Mervyn:)
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  2. I love Mrs Mervyn :)
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  3. Mrs Mervyn has always felt guilty over infecting me with the virus that brought on my Fibromyalgia.She does a great deal of things to save me from overdoing it and having a flare up with my illness.
    She does,however,love to beat me at cards.
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  4. Do you love to beat her? And think about how you phrase your answer ;)
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  5. Now that is a thought:Angelic:
  6. I didn't know that one of the ways of contracting Fibromyalgia was via a virus. Just had a read up on it. I think Mrs Mervyn's strategy of you building a new workshop and filling it with bikes is excellent.
    Finest therapy there is.
  7. The experts know little about Fibromyalgia John.It is believed the condition as such is already in the bodies system waiting for a trigger to set it off.
    My first indications ,looking back,were some strange symptoms I had after recovering from a bad kidney stone episode.My Dr did some tests and found nothing.I have since found out that these symptoms were a few of the Fibro symptoms one can have.
    The flue like virus that Mrs Mervyn passed on to me was the trigger that sent my body haywire.Fibro can also be triggered by accident trauma or severe stress.
    There is no cure or set treatment=at the moment I am on an increasing dose of a drug which is mainly used for Epilepsy.
    Symptoms of Fibro can often be confused with other conditions,and as you know,there are no outward signs of problems.Like a lot of hidden illnesses the sufferer can become very isolated as their social life outside of the house can become very limited.
  8. Well done Mrs Mervyn. We blokes all could do with one of these.
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  9. It's a two way street fellas ;)
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  10. Well said.:upyeah:
  11. my way or the high way
  12. That's right fella you wear the trousers, she just tells you which ones to wear :Nailbiting:
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  13. tartan ones
  14. donald fars yer troosers!

  15. Edited for reasons of national pride, and picturing Finm in local costume.....

    Nice one, mr and mrs Mervyn-sounds like you have a great balance-medals all,rounds.
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  16. i have the legs for it.
  17. Does that include the obligatory 'Knobbly Knees'?:)
  18. no knobbly knees. but a nice pert butt cheeks. and firm calf muscles
  19. Marijuana is a known benefit for fibromyalgia Mervyn, worth giving it a try, probably even on the NHS.
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