Alreet everyone!

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Rob998, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Just popped in to say hello...

  2. Hey hello Rob where ya been
  3. Finally :tongue:

    Good to see you here Rob
  4. ducatiworld & mostly Viv, but I've been fairly quiet since the other place shut up shop TBH.
  5. Cheers Dave! How are Donna & the Kids & the new garage?
  6. Donna and kids are all fine - Tae kwon do is the latest craz round here with them. That and a recently acquired puppy - by the name of Marco.

    Garage is still not finished - cost over-run basically means that I've run out of money for the moment. Still it is secure and weathertight so the bikes are in it - just need to finish the fitting-out slowly but surely.
  7. You took your time, welcome to your new home.
  8. I prefer to think of it as fashionably late Steve. ;)
  9. Just like the postal deliveries are these days eh Rob ? Welcome old chap.....
  10. :biggrin: Cheers Nog!
  11. You a first postman that has a reasonable excuse ;)

    You seem good, how is family?
  12. Family is fine thanks Luca, how are you doing?
  13. Alive and kicking mate all in all for now good.

    Still 998 or you did bigger mail man deliver something new?
  14. Still the 998, I'll never get shut of her. Was thinking of adding something that Mrs Rob could be comfy on the back of, but we need to do some work on the house, so a new bike will have to wait until all that is done & paid for, or until someone dies & leaves me some money :wink:. Although I was pleasantly surprised to find out how much the bank would lend us because of the equity in the house & our incomes, but Mrs Rob was way ahead of me & won't let me put a Panigale Tricolore & a Pikes Peak Multi on the mortgage :frown:
  15. Whom are you planning to kill?!
  16. Women - You love them but sometimes they're just spoil sports.....
  17. Well, my mum's staying with us this weekend & is driving me nuts already......... :wink:
  18. Ah, cue the steering wheel on the underpants gag. Welcome Rob!
  19. Ask her to use the handlebars instead maybe......

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