So, Max Clifford Guilty Then......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wrecked, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. Never did like him.

    Wonder how long he'll get - no more than about 3 inches from what I've heard.

    #1 Wrecked, Apr 28, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2014
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  2. 'no comment' urged my lawyer
  3. What goes around, comes around...
    Live by the sword, die by the sword...
  4. What has your lawyer said you can't say?
    • Like Like x 1

  5. just don't mention R*** H***** in any corresponding posts
  6. Insert the word pork, where apt.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  7. Good.
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  8. They might make an example of him as it's the first guilty from Op Yewtree, ten years !
  9. He'll be spinning in his cell
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  10. Hope he gets royally shafted and hopefully the courts are saving the best till last with the Brookes and Coulson case, they deserve everything that hopefully is coming their way, odious bastards.
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  11. If you are odious does that mean your guilty ?
  12. Wondering the same ymfb. Not looked at the case, was the evidence overwhelming or was his rep what did for him? Did he rape anyone, or did his give it the 'I can make you famous' ? Grab someones blouse and yank it down or touch their arse? And how long I say dont know the detail but if its as any above described EVERY rock star, footballer or generally person in power better look out...the media and cops are coming...
  13. For Max Clifford, I will stick my neck out as usual and predict a sentence. I go for - one year prison, suspended for a year. Find out on Friday if I was right, under, or over.
  14. Is that like "over and out" ? ;)
  15. Interesting prediction, Pete.
    Any particular reason why, having been found guilty, there won't be any prison time to be served by Clifford, in your prediction?
  16. As in Roger Roger....
  17. He's shagging the judge, and has kinky pics of judge dressed in nazi gear sucking Ecclestone off.
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  18. Max Clifford has not been convicted of rape but of sexual assaults. Not having heard the evidence, and only having media reports to go on, the assaults would seem not to be of the most serious kind. I am guessing the plea in mitigation will be quite strong. He has no previous convictions (I am aware of). And he has been let out on bail today. On balance, I would say that looks like a suspended.
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