1200 s owner loving the keyless ignition bit,but just having been a couple of journeys that required 2 fill ups found it a pain having secured the key in a nice n safe place to then dig it back out to fuel up. Thinking of a non transponder version carried in the flip up ashtray box on the fairing, Question is who else does this n where can a key be purchased without paying through the nose for 1??????
This has been covered before, so maybe just do a search. Be careful if you buy a cheapo key off of ebay, because some are made of crap metal. I bought one from the dealers and had it cut. Better still, fit the keyless filler and be done with it.
Thanks for Reply's,just got the 2 keys, red key and the remote looking thing. Crap at this forum stuff need to search a little more I suppose
So have I, I admit it's a little large, but I carry the red key to open things, while the transponder is stashed away in an inside pocket. But you could always get another red key cut.
You only get the red key and transponder key when buying the bike. You can buy a blank from Ducati dealer ( i think they are Monster blanks). They are not cheap for what they are but does save a lot of hassle.
Thats not true (for the multistrada it isnt anyway). You will have received a red key, which has a passive transponder (i.e. no battery). Its not a good idea to carry this key all the time, because if you lose the red key you can't program any further keys to the ECU as far as I am aware. What is more, if you lose the red key, someone else can start your bike with it just the same as the active transponder / flip key. Hope that helps.
John is right, bike can be started with red key! It just needs to be closer to the dash display because it's powered by the aerial rather than the battery in the black fob, you have to have at least one key that is programmed already for the bike(either the black or the red) to programme and new one! And the pin code!
Yeah, I've read the manual now. I just used it in the switch with the pin code. However on reading the manual it seems to indicate they could reprogram to use a new set of keys, making any old keys invalid. I couldn't see it state you must retain the red key to be able to do that.
I keep my red key in my top box - be stuffed if I lose the top box key? Can't think of everything I suppose?
Just find a friendly locksmith to cut you an uncoded spare, if you ride off with it hanging out of the seat lock then you won't be so bothered when you lose it and if you leave it in a pannier or top box and walk away it can't be used to start the bike, although your panniers might be emptied or stolen (at least you won't have to walk home) That way your keyless key thing can stay safely tucked up in your jacket and the std key can be left somewhere less secure without the worry (& the red key can stay at home with the log book) I struggled to find a locksmith that would do it but Snells told me the one in Alton would cut one from the Red Key only (something about proving ownership) so I guess you might have to hunt around.
I ordered a spare key from Ducati then got it cut at a local locksmith, cost me about £18 all in I think I'm buying one of these for the transponder key though
I've drilled a hole in my transponder key and put a key ring through it so it's always on a lanyard round my neck so I don't forget to leave in the pannier or seat lock and I know where it always is! Bloody thing used to go in every pocket before and I was shit scared of losing it!
Those look nice but the totally absurd price stops me buying..........waiting on a Chinese copy at £5 inc p&p! lol
Sorry...waiting as in this is an item the buggers haven't ripped off yet - did search ebay for a suitable leather key pouch but not found anything to date. Mind you you can get a whole bunch of these for a couple of quid! lol