Next person to post in this thread will have to promise to go Commando sat on their Duke and post a pic up to prove it... no fakes pic's please! That should end it!! But i'm not sure now! lol :biggrin:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sed sem quis nisi sollicitudin tristique nec vel quam. Morbi vestibulum justo nibh. Donec tristique dapibus sapien quis dignissim. Proin laoreet elementum sagittis. Sed ultrices velit non tellus ornare mollis. Nam quam ligula, convallis ut mattis et, vulputate a enim. Nulla egestas ultricies congue. Mauris in ligula dolor. Ut pellentesque vehicula vestibulum. Nunc imperdiet lectus non leo auctor elementum. Praesent convallis felis ac velit lacinia sollicitudin. Suspendisse iaculis est ac lectus cursus ut dignissim felis vestibulum. Vivamus ut facilisis dui. Ut egestas feugiat adipiscing. Quisque at orci lectus, id pellentesque justo. Maecenas imperdiet purus vel leo pretium euismod. Duis tincidunt sem eu dolor dictum a fermentum orci suscipit. Ut imperdiet velit sed massa posuere ac tempor nulla aliquet. Pellentesque in diam dolor, sed feugiat justo. Nulla vehicula aliquam tellus. Integer nunc ipsum, vestibulum vitae dictum ac, porta sed augue. Phasellus et metus lacus, consectetur fermentum augue. Curabitur scelerisque nisi in dolor elementum fringilla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent ac ante vel eros lacinia interdum. Nullam massa dui, eleifend quis scelerisque id, aliquet eu neque. Nunc dignissim pretium risus, at lobortis odio facilisis quis. In quis nunc at ligula sodales malesuada. Vestibulum blandit sapien ut orci pretium elementum laoreet eros malesuada. That is surely boring enough to have sent everyone to sleep and so to end the discussion. I claim my £5.
Normally in the forum world this prize is reserved for the first person to post as per Godwin's Law Godwin's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I was sorely tempted to translate Glid's Latin, but then I thought I couldn't be bothered, eldest also studies Latin, I might make him do it if he annoys me enough. By the way, the last word is just something we automatically have, no awards needed, or perhaps it is just because we are always arriving late and therefore post last?
Translate it Katie? Be my guest! I've got A level Latin and can't make head nor tail of it. Not that I've tried very hard. Haven't done any Latin for 30 years and it looks like some bastardized mediaeval variety anyway.
I did some A level papers, never did the exams though, we used to do the exam papers for fun in my classes, we are strange round here! A level 30 years ago, that was something, we concluded that O level 30 years was more testing than A level today, no I could not do the old A level papers, only the new ones and old O level.
I know it does sound a bit odd doesn't it, we were a very competitive class. In fact I am just a very competitive person, and I have always really liked Latin.
I used to like bits of Latin. Sadly, whenever you got to the stage of being able to read a few pages of Caesar in bed, they gave you Ovid to read. No sooner had you just about got your head around that than they gave you Virgil. It was just constant frustration.
unacustomed as i am to public speaking...... id like to thank my cat, my other half, that really old but comfy pair of pants ive got, all my tools............anyone think of any others ?
Why don't we get any thanks? Typical! The people beavering away in the back room are always overlooked.