Yeah just go steady and concentrate not to stall it and drop it, we have all at least nearly done it and it's easy on this bike! 14t front sprocket makes life easier but I guess at the mo your just trying to repair the damage to the wallet
I will, I am treating it with respect. I did notice coming out of tight junctions to be careful. I still have the 1inch strip on the new tyres and it will be there for a while yet.
I give it one month and you'll be thrashing it like the rest of us. It doesn't take long to become accustomed to speed. I really hope you enjoy your bike.
Yeah don't adjust it with screwdriver and hammer, get the same dealer to do it, sure they will do it as good will, if u do it don't over tighten the pinch bolts on the axle
Thank you all for the responses. Much appreciated. I definitely made the right choice with the bike, for me. Time to put her to bed.
I've had the Evo 5 days now. Couple of hundred on it, still tiddling around keeping it sensible. Its a stunning bike and it feels very solid. The brakes are mental. Now this is my first bike in 20years, so more than enough for me, for now I do find myself looking at whether or not a car is going to pull out.
Hi, yes!As a new and somewhat cautious rider, I treated myself to a Hyperstrada after 6 months and i love it. Just booked a test ride for the new monster 1200 and can't wait. If I can enjoy a Ducati anyone can!! Good luck with your test.
You've got me sniffing around 848's now, one went past my office yesterday must of had termis 'cause with the rattle from the clutch and the open pipes it sounded mega.
Good is an understatement. The dealer was great, made everything easy, good honest advice. All part of the 'Shit is this bike really for me to take down the road'. The bike, big twin, man it kicks your ass and just wants you to let it shout. Its alive and piss it off, it's going to kick. Its a gorgeous piece of engineering.
I honestly don't know about the clutch or the termis, its got a wet one and I can't afford the termis. Can't spell termis!
Just a quick update. Service done.yeh, time to see how quick she likes to go. Opened up. Not scary but can move on.
had mine 2 months now and still love it. can't get many miles on her due to weather and work. but better days will soon be here!
Yes, a car is definitely going to pull out on you, probably tomorrow. Just make sure you anticipate it.