Day Off Friday

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. And weather looking good. 6 weeks since broke my arm so sure I'll be ok to ride now...only one way to find some new PR4s to bed in!
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  2. 6 weeks already, time flys.
  3. Yep, was going to try last weekend but weather crap and even just messing with the clutch on my race bike in the garage was tough. But a big painkiller before i go should sort it ;)
  4. you'l sort it. there was a fella out on Sunday at the welly missing his left arm. respect
  5. A mate did suggest we stuck the clutch on the right hand so I could carry on riding...and i nearly bought a scooter 2 weeks ago! Lol
  6. Come to donington on the 20th may,should be fine by then!
  7. I'm doing Dony DUK day 27th and hoping to do Anglesey weekend 22-25 ;)
  8. May come and watch on the ducati day.
    Not allowed to play this time as I have the v4.
  9. this space...have heard it may be opened to other marques and if it is I'm taking the gixer...well it is painted like a panigale ;)
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  10. Friday eh? Might have to take a day off....
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  11. So I'll be giving it a whirl tomorrow if anyone else is about, plan to leave Loomies about 1030 ish and head, chips and ice cream by the sea maybe :)
  12. i feel sick.
  13. We've always known youre a bit sick...

  14. The event is getting full....inters full and a few only left in novice.
    Space in the faast group tho :)
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  15. well now i am really sick. the seventy's have a lot to answer for.
  16. I'd pop you over my shoulder
  17. is that seventy's speak?
  18. Looking like the multi is gonna get tested then! ;)
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