Is It Me

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mervyn, May 1, 2014.

  1. Please tell me I am not the only person here who cannot get to grips with technology?:(You name it.Tablets,Smart teles,Youview boxes,Laptops.They all contrive to trip me up at every turn.I try to do something which on the face of it is simples :upyeah:,like transferring photos from my camera to my laptop,Iv'e done it before with my old laptop.Can I do it with the new laptop?No.:(
    I will stop now, Mrs Mervyn has told me that because i am stupid;) I should ask no1 Son to show me when he gets home.
    I will now go and read a book :)
    Ps. No sensible replies of a technical nature as I won't have a clue what you are talking abouto_O
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. i have spent my life avoiding that kind off technology once they suck you in its all over.
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  3. You should have bought in to the Mac eco system. Makes everything like that easy.
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  4. What you need is a two year old grandchild to do it for you. Works for me :upyeah:
  5. Trust you pay above the minimum wage- and not in Dairy Lea triangles.

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  6. Cadbury's buttons. Worth their weight in gold ;)
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  7. I am afraid I was too tight to spend the money.
  8. Tis a great idea-but not a single grandchild in sight.
  9. 'I' this; 'I' that; 'I' the other;...............'I' don't care; 'I' don't want to know.............. Twatter this; Twotter that; Farcebook this; B*llocks to that.............Can't be arsed with any of it...........

    ..........everything seems to be about staring into one sort of screen or another, just to find out some 'tart' has gone for a cup of tea or they have 3 million friends that they don't actually know; or maybe they are into becoming a game 'Hero' instead of learning how to fix a tap washer or open a tin of beans..........

    People are spending a fortune on buying items that are relatively useless for anything else but entertainment.......which includes taking selfies............for what purpose?............

    Most people have a computer of sorts so its cheaper to have broadband and your own website, than it is to keep buying expensive phones and tablets, which if you haven't already got bad eyesight, you soon will have trying to watch Eastenders in a 2" x 2" screen.........

    Kindle it all, I say (that means set fire to it).
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  10. it's a man thing

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. And how many people have heard of Kindling,eh?
  12. i forgot to mention that I don't get on with mobile phones,sat navs,sound bars,heating programmers and cooker timers.
    Very happy with a wireless and an on and off switch though.:)
  13. I though kindling was the small strips of wood, moss, paper, whatever, that you used to start a fire and that the verb to Kindle would be to turn that item in to a material that would do that job, rather than meaning simply to burn an item, although burning would be part of the process of using kindling. Where as kindling as a noun is the actual material. I'm happy to admit it if I am wrong though.
  14. Well I do have a Kindle 'Fire' HD,but I have never seen it alight.:)
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  15. I'll make coffee next time
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  16. Kindling is the material used to start a fire; but you start or kindle a fire............I used the word 'kindle'.
  17. kin·dle
    1 [kin-dl] set fire to or ignite (fuel or any combustible matter).
    to excite; stir up or set going; animate; rouse; inflame: Hekindled their hopes of victory.
    to light up, illuminate, or make bright: Happiness kindled her eyes.
    verb (used without object), kin·dled, kin·dling.
    to begin to burn, as combustible matter, a light, fire, or flame.
    to become aroused or animated.
    to become lighted up, bright, or glowing, as the sky at dawn orthe eyes with ardor.

    Kindle | Define Kindle at

    You where right and I was wrong.

    See, I told you I wouldn't mind admitting it!
  18. 1.

    The act of becoming extremely involved in reading an Amazon Kindle.
    Ex. 1: Hey, I've got to leave early.. I'm Kindlingin bed tonight.
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  19. I preferred it when we only had two and a half channels, and you had to wait for the telly to warm up...
  20. Half-day closing wednesdays, what would the yoof make of that!
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