.......At least that's what the Asian gentleman who rang me up this morning told me. He must have been so concerned as he called me back twice after I put the phone down on him. Now that's what I call good customer service. :Woot:
I can't believe so many people have been caught out by these d***heads............. How the hell would somebody know your PC has a virus; then is able to find your name; then find your phone number.......?? I had one of these calls a while ago and I used my standard reply "F*** Off" and he asked me to repeat it, so I did; and then he said "what is f***?"....!! I told him he had better go and f*****g find out before he phoned anyone else.
I recently had my e-mail account hacked and the kind people that did it rang me up to offer help to sort it out, they got the same reply as Al gave, they should know what F***k off means by now. How did they get my phone no ? Steve
If I have time, I try to keep these people on the phone as long as possible. I figure that they're not going to con me, but they might be able to con some poor old duffer, so best I burn their time rather than worry some old chap. The more I see and hear this shit makes me question the ethics of people from that part of the world
I had occasion to ring HSBC a couple of years back; I wanted to talk to the manager of a particular branch (I had to do some work there) but kept getting through to Delhi. Not very useful. I tried to explain to the guy on the other end of the phone, but while he was very apologetic, he was not at all helpful. I asked him for his name, and he replied...Margaret!
My 92 year old nan keeps getting calls from these people to fix her PC virus I have asked them where they got her number from as she is ex directory and on BT telephone preference service They soon put the phone down Watch out for the London investment services who want to help with your money he was one persistent phone caller They ask for the homeowner by name and I asked what he wanted with her and I asked him what did he want I then informed him of the above and again he soon rang off Solar energy is another one they ask for people by name and also want to confirm postcodes
we all should do what Spike Milligan used to do - when they ask for the homeowner tell them to hold on a minute and prop the phone up to the radio or maybe this :-
Doesn't matter who rings, if they ask you to 'confirm your postcode/number/email/etc' tell them to learn some sodding manners and introduce themselves before barking orders.
try selling them something back, they wont hang around. once or twice when i am in the mood i will put my strongest choochter accent on and play dumb always good for a larf.
I had the phone call today from the Windows department of Microsoft, based in Delhi. I strung him along for 10 minutes, partly to piss him off and partly to see how the scam worked. They ask you to go to a website and from there you click and install some software. All the time that I was on the phone to Peter I was googling the website and the software he wanted me to click on. It's remote control software which allows them to take over your pc. They either type very quickly or cut and paste up various messages on your screen to make it looks like it's infected. They then offer to fix it for £20. You go on to your online banking with them remotely viewing what you do. The minimum they get is the £20, but potentially a lot more as they now have access to your bank account. After 10 minutes of stringing the guy along and not installing the software I asked him if his scam ever worked. He was most offended but when I told him of my IT background he told me to fuck off and hung up. Very rude and I won't be using them again.
gilps your computer has now got a virus from over here in norn Ireland....now would you please delete all your files and send me twenty pounds ....thank you.
Looks like someone on Gumtree fell for a scammer.... Rolex Deep Sea Dweller 2013 Used - THIS WATCH HAS BEEN STOLEN | Colchester | Gumtree