Aghh new bike fever there is no cure.I'd be up all night with a hard on that won't go down and a mental picture of what the ignition key looks like.
Nice to meet you too and sorry I couldn't stay long. I just rode home and put her in the garage before heading north to see my dad. In fact I'm still here waiting on the inevitable. The bike's a peach though. My dad would have loved it. Here's a pic. More to follow over the weekend when I get time and a proper camera on the job.
Very much like your new bike.Sorry that there is a lot of sadness for you at this time.Can't think of anything else to say.
That's one gorgeous bike. I really like the graphics - makes it a bit different. I'm so sorry about your Dad.
Bike looks great! Wasn't sure what to picture when you said "graphics" but I reckon it looks spot on! I find the plain red a wee bit... eh... plain... but it's hard to get a middle ground between plain and gawdy. Reckon you've managed to strike a nice balance.