Anyone remember the floating point scandal surrounding certain Intel chips back in the Nineties? "We are the Pentium Borg. You will be approximated." Finest nerd joke. Ever.
I am pleased that I have just managed to 'Upload ' a picture to this site.And it went smoothly without any tantrums.I shall stop now whilst I am still one up on my laptop.
Theyre you go.... It really does depend on what youre using it for, simplicity, yes Apple OS is nice but when it breaks its a pain in the arse, so if your well versed in unix command line then youre ok....having said that ive got a mac mini server underneath the telly which i use as a media centre box (i havent found anything that beats plex yet) its been on the whole reliable but i havent been able to sort out the sound problems that keep cropping up with decides to reroute 7.1 through the optical instead of through the HDMi cable....trawled forums but found nothing... Personally id still plump for a pc, jack of all trades and all that. I use linux at work as its best for remote admin and also VM's work in it really well, but as i say that goes back to my original stance... Theyve all got their good points and bad points but im pretty good with fixing pc problems as thats my job, followed by linux and bringing up the rear apple....each to their own and all that....
The only thing I can use without issue is my iPhone My PC is windows xp and it takes 3 goes just to get the damn thing connected to wifi When I can afford it I will go apple for simplicity
My work is all about technology and people. On the whole, the technology is much simpler and easier to deal with than the people. On the whole, I still prefer the people though.
Today I will try and work out how a Drift camera works.This should stretch my grasp of technology to the limits as I do have some cognitive problems I will do my very best ans see how I get on
Windows - In line 4 Mac - Any overly-expensive Italian Flair Twin; but looks nice... Linux - Victory, (except Raspberry Pi - Honda again, but (C90...))
So why is being gay a valid lifestyle choice whereas Morris Dancing is the vile pit of immorality and decadence that it is, huh?
My iPhone sync's whilst sitting alone. On the table. Anytime. Hardly even notice. Apple may be taking over the world and a tad corporate. But the damn things just work. I can't even remember the last time I shut down my macbook. I just open and close the lid whenever i need it. Fin. Careful. Scottish Country dancing. Why do we get taught that as kids? Thank feck I can't remember any of it.