Any Forum Members Live In St Ives That Could Check Out A Bike On My Behalf?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, May 5, 2014.

  1. As in the title,

    Is there anyone that lives in St. Ives that could go and have a look at a motorcycle on my behalf?

    I have found a nice one but I can't go and see it myself.

    I'm happy to sort you out some beer or something for your time..
  2. Cambridge or Cornwall ?
  3. Cambridge, sorry. I didn't realise that there were two. I'm dead good at geography, me.
  4. Only ask as I'm collecting my multistrada from Cornwall next weekend and could of helped out. Think there are a couple of members out Cambridgeshire way.
  5. The guy is off on his holidays for 2 weeks on Friday so I can either try and organise a viewing this week or try and do it when he returns after the 25th.

    I have 2 that I'm looking at, one is in Inverclyde and has a two brothers system, decat pipe, PC3 and has been set up on a Dyno. The other, in St Ives is a Fiat Rossi rep. I'm torn between the two.
  6. inverclyde, i have mates down there that could poss help you out
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  7. Rossi rep just for the colour scheme ;).
  8. Those are my thoughts too but I don't want to write the black one off as it'll actually be the better bike with the mods. Mrs Pingping is seriously cheesed off with it all. I'm glad I'm 5000 miles away.

    On another note, I begin my final journey home in 2 days :) (Although it'll take me a few weeks to actually get back.)

    $_58.JPG shiny copy.jpg
  9. A few weeks? That will be your being "dead good at geography" in effect. :p
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  10. No, it's cuz I have to walk ;)
  11. There has been this wonderful invention called and 'aeroplane'. Apparently it flies on the sky, just like a bird but using engines as propulsion and allows vast distances to be covered on a matter of hours.;)

    I recommend you give one of those a try instead of walking. You'll be home quicker to face the wrath of the mrs.:Wideyed:

    On the other hand walking might be better.
  12. i personally would prefer to walk. flying's a mugs game.
  13. Flying is for "Civvies in Uniform" aka RAF.
    Real men march - at least, that's what the Yeoman of Signals told me :Woot:
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Pmsl.:Woot: What would a YoS know about marching! Crypto accounting yes, marching no.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Bump for the daytimers
  16. I've decided to go for the Fiat rep, I'm just waiting for the guy to send me a whole lot of pictures before I confirm the deal.

    My R6 is up on Autotrader as I can't be bothered with the hassle of ebay. It's also one of the cheapest ones at the year.

    This is despite having two messages through gumtree offering me 4k for it earlier as 'that's all it's worth'.
  17. Is this until next week when something else catches your eye;)
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Very good Matthew!
  19. Matthew! I normally get called that when I'm in trouble:Nailbiting:
  20. Hah! I'm in enormous trouble with Mrs Pingping right now. I don't know why women say you can do something when they really mean don't do it. I think she just likes shouting.
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