So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. two steps forward three back.
  2. Today started poorly. I reckoned I was going to have to take the birdbox down to take its inhabitants to the wild bird sanctuary not far from where I work. Had a cup of tea whilst waiting on the off chance that the parents were back. No sign, so unscrewed the birdbox from the barn. It seemed very quiet in there, so I unscrewed the bottom of it to remove the several inches of nest that the bluetits have created over the years. At the top of the nest were the blue tit chicks - all dead. There were actually 9 of them and an unhatched egg. Seeing as 5 were still alive yesterday evening at least, it was all a bit sad. Put the little corpses on the compost heap where hopefully they will be recycled to baby crows (nest in next door field) or baby kestrels (nest in the top of one of my fir trees).

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  3. I've had a shit day. :(
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  4. We all get them. Take the bike out for half an hour
  5. Best wishes ET
  6. Just renewed my insurance. Quoted £133 by Bennetts as renewal from last year (which was £96) rang them up and said I was going elsewhere and surprise surprise they got it down to £89! Much better in my opinion, but why oh why can't they come up with that amount to start with.
  7. Must be nice to have cheap insurance!
  8. Helps to be old (52) and I've got 6 years NCB.
  9. Everything is relative. We have high tax and NI costs and average wages, so much of what may be part of ins cover in other countries is covered by govt, eg hospital care post rta
  10. Fitted new battery to the bike, got some new grips from MR too and fitted them (cheers Craig) all is good and need a ride out now :)
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  11. Me too, luckily most are pretty good.
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  12. You're right. This weekend is gonna be great cos I'm gonna play with my grandchildren all weekend :)
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  13. And after you've revved them up you can hand them back!
  14. I went out for a ride but it was cut short due to the rain...what a piss off!
  15. Got to the coast for a run in the sun. Just got home and rain started. Rain and high winds forecast for the whole weekend.

    Getting the hang of the bike.

    Seen an MR2 hanging out of a hedge wrecked. With the lines he left he must have been flying.

    Oh and a car pulled out in front of me. I wasn't going fast but didn't see me at all
  16. I turned 50 !

    Opened some goodies and cards.

    Going clay shooting later, first time for a while.

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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. Happy birthday to you :)
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  18. got mates up sorting computer stuff at work for me which means its gonna be a sore head sunday. dont like drinking in the summer but seeing as the weather is pants, why the hell no.
  19. Happy birthday! :)
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