Just how good is the traction control? Can I simply give it a handful in a corner knowing it'll kick in and power out of the corner without high siding me into the bushes? About a week till I pick mine up......
Only one way to find out..... lol Power-on exit should be progressive anyway... Bet you can't wait to pick it up.... just in time for some better weather too.
Watching moto gp is one thing, replicating it on the road is another. Look closer at the throttle use on corner apex and exit, in most motorcycle sport, it's progressive.... it's what they teach you, or you find out the hard way.
One persons progressive is another's smash it open Check any of the pro big bike racers, they are using TC (even when they say they aren't ) and they all have QA throttles. Personally, if you are a roll-on steady kinda rider, Tc may as well be turned off, except maybe in autumn conditions with wet leaves n shit Haven't messed with my multis yet, but will do now the weather is improving and at the Donny trackday. Suspect I will end with abs 1 and tc off
I'm a roll on steady guy Match my speed to the visual point on approach Then chase it progressively while in the bend When I can see the exit give it some more,positive throttle through out the bend works for me
Actually I've broken that too....if you are going to do it, do it hard My numpty skyhook. Should be interesting wobbling around in the fast group being slaughtered by sports bikes. At last I get to try sport mode
Not brave enough either. I took mine to Silverstone on Monday, compared to the 848 it's miles away. I'm still smiling now I did try a couple of times to see if I could get the TC to kick in just out of interest, but all it did was shoot out of the corner like a rocket, no twitch, nothing! My balls weren't big enough to give it anymore....
Matt, out of interest what settings did you use for the TC / ABS et? Were they the standard "Race" ones? I have a track day there on 2 Jun and it will be my first on the Pani.
It was just the standard race mode settings....I haven't played around with that stuff too much tbh. I was running Sport mode in the morning sessions, nothing much of interest happened there either, although I was running slower for those sessions.
Why not book a trackday. Start off with TC at 'most intrusive' mode then work your way through the settings til you have a pant filling moment. Then you'll know all about it.
Mark hill told me one of the hardest bikes to catch on an exit is the Pani, because it leaves lovely black lines where its gripping and the Tc is making sure it doesn't slip too far and just fires out. Riders just nail it and whoosh, gone
Thanks for that bradders, that was my thought. I understand the whole progressive,application of power, but the idea of traction control (for me) is that, that's what the traction control does. You can just nail the throttle and the electronics progressively feed as much power as it can depending on grip available.
I wouldn't get to carried away with just giving it a full handful, unless you like hospital food , the t/c is to assist and if moto gp bikes can highside with the best t/c in the world what probably cost about 100k for the electronics alone im sure the panni t/c is not the same spec, just watch bsb stockers ,last year loads of zx10 were high siding, theres the old saying smooth is fast. you wanna nail it best of luck , lets know if the t/c doesn't catch it in time
That makes me feel a little better and why I didn't give it more! Little voice of doubt in the back of my mind.....