Unusual Plane To See....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, May 12, 2014.

  1. ........over here........

    Heard loud twin prop engines coming this way so went to investigate........

    First thought it was the DC 3 we get quite often, but no.......Twin tail fins as well...........

    I'm pretty sure it was a De Havilland Flamingo; known by the RAF as the Hertfordshire.........

    Long time since I have seen one of them....
  2. Pics please !
  3. I've been on a dc3. Air BVI out of Tortola. Captain had a dirty old cap perched on top of his 'fro, passengers with chickens in baskets... Bonkers
  4. That sounds and looks so Beechcraft to me.
  5. Yep......Well done 'spotters'............Beechcraft 18 ........How old are they?

    Looks a lot like the Flamingo from underneath when its going away at a distance............
  6. Angle was wrong to see any markings or numbers..............It were dark grey or possibly silver underneath, plus the sky was a bit dark from the rain clouds....

    Sounded nice though...........heading almost South West direction in a line from roughly Norwich area, I reckon.
  7. heard a few planes low flying over where i am
    from jets to what sounds like twin prop
    is there a show somewhere
  8. Summat to do with where the Lancaster is supposed to be flying maybe??

    Or was it a deep sea trawler you could hear??
  9. found out the other day that the wife's grandfather taught pilots to fly the lancaster.
  10. you do realise grimsby has not got any trawlers left lol
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