........over here........ Heard loud twin prop engines coming this way so went to investigate........ First thought it was the DC 3 we get quite often, but no.......Twin tail fins as well........... I'm pretty sure it was a De Havilland Flamingo; known by the RAF as the Hertfordshire......... Long time since I have seen one of them....
Beech 18? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a4/Beech_C-45H_Expeditor_USAF.jpg Just done a quick check on the Flamingo, no surviving examples. Ghost Plane?
I've been on a dc3. Air BVI out of Tortola. Captain had a dirty old cap perched on top of his 'fro, passengers with chickens in baskets... Bonkers
Yep......Well done 'spotters'............Beechcraft 18 ........How old are they? Looks a lot like the Flamingo from underneath when its going away at a distance............
Angle was wrong to see any markings or numbers..............It were dark grey or possibly silver underneath, plus the sky was a bit dark from the rain clouds.... Sounded nice though...........heading almost South West direction in a line from roughly Norwich area, I reckon.
heard a few planes low flying over where i am from jets to what sounds like twin prop is there a show somewhere
Summat to do with where the Lancaster is supposed to be flying maybe?? Or was it a deep sea trawler you could hear??