If I may wander off-topic momentarily, this reminds me of the time I was allowed to have a go at "driving" a military vehicle in an Army simulator training facility at Sennelager. I was in the role of driver, with a judge as the commander. Since we had little idea what we were doing, we soon ended up crashing into a virtual ditch. In my defence, I must say that the quality of the virtual reality was so poor, we could scarcely tell what the scene we were looking at was supposed to be.
I guess the best solution to all this media outrage is just to keep these kind of trophy pictures to yourself.Or videos as that is what led to imprisonment of Marine A. Yet it seems perfectly ok to release videos of Taliban getting blown to bits by helicopter gunships.Does that not offend them in the same way.Is that not disrespectful to the dead. This has been going on for a while though as my friend from parachute regiment showed me some interesting pictures from Iraq.
Blimey, i nip off for 10 minutes... Joining the forces isnt heroic nor makes you a hero. Its a job. A woman walking up to a bloke in the street, covered in blood and just having tried to behead a man, is heroic.