BT Sport Moto GP at Count's place

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Count, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. See you after 1 Rob
  2. I've recorded qualifying and will record the race tomorrow for playback after the runs out. Will be a post Goodwood/Ace Cafe timing.
  3. Le Mans. Cool n
  4. whatever
  5. You coming then ?
  6. I could do if the invite is there - large danger of falling asleep mid-race though (bound to cover HUGE miles before ain't we?)
  7. I'm going to record it and watch Sunday later In the afternoon. I'm not sure on the idea of Poole Sunday AM but I have an idea on a good place to head to en route to there.
  8. Mum's the word ;)
  9. I might have to get along to one of these GP meets! Popcorn as well eh! :upyeah:
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