1200 Insurance

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by broke, May 15, 2014.

  1. Well it's that time of year, again, and I have to start the yearly ritual of phoning around for a quote' and repeating myself umpteen times, which is odd as I thought they all share the same data base, anyway, I need to insure my Multi 1200 and KTM 300 exc any suggestions ?
  2. Don't think there are any short cuts other than you doing your own foot work. Your unlikely to have the exact no claims, age, post code , points, mods, breakdown requirements, clothing , accessories etc etc of any one else on here, so any recommendation for price and perceived value would probably be completely different for you. Stick with the big names and they all ultimately use the same top 5 underwriters anyway. Personally I stay away from policies including breakdown, legal etc as you can get these bought separately direct with the suppliers for cheaper and (in most cases) will be more comprehensive.
    Use the comparison web sites to give you an idea who is quoting cheaper, then go to their own website directly for a quote. Then phone the same company to see if a telephone quote is cheaper still, its amazing how they can vary even with the same company. Don't forget to try the direct only providers also.
    This year I found Bennets cheaper for me. £190 FC with PNCD. That's with declared mods and accessories/luggage covered along with engine tuning. By comparison I paid £250 last year, result.
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  3. Thanks Psy, good advice.
  4. I used a comparison website, but ran into issues because of the mods I have. Eventually I went back to eBike insurance, they were not the cheapest, but have a lovely list of modifications that you can just tick off. Seems they will insure any bike no matter how modified whereas other insurers have some limits - one telephone quote was going fine until I mentioned the quickshifter!
  5. Just done mine, Carol Nash were most expensive, Ducati insurance was cheaper than my original (Bennets) quoted renewal price but then spoke to Bennetts and they reviewed it again and were the best price, back to the same as I paid last year.

    Eventually someone will realise it would be worth rewarding loyalty to stop this nonsense.
  6. Forgot to add...make sure you disclose everything, no matter how trivial you think it is. If you thought sat navs were not worthy of a mention then think again. I had two major insurers decline quotes when mentioning a sat nav as they were considered a distraction by their underwriters. That aside , I was pleasantly surprised how little the loading was on the policy with full disclosure of accessories / mods covered for replacement.
  7. Everything disclosed to Ducati Insurance, fully comp, protected NCB all for £95.99p!
  8. :( TPFT on an R1 was £508 in the end. I hate insurance companies, paying someone else so I can enjoy riding my bike.
  9. Hastings Direct quoted me just short of £200 for a Multistrada, Ducati Insurance quoted me £880 for a like policy :Jawdrop:
  10. See what I mean, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason, why don't companies reward loyalty any more. I haven't made a claim in years and yet my premium still seems to be going up. Mate of mine had a quote through nearly double what he paid the year before, so decided to go on a comparison web site, got a quote cheaper than his last years premium and guess who it was with, you've got it, the company who'd just doubled his premium, phoned them up and told them to get stuffed !
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  11. That really pisses me off. If I find a cheaper quote and my current insurance company says they'll match it I tell them to poke it as well. If they can match the price then they should've quoted it, not tried to blatantly rip me off for a few extra quid!
  12. MCE is the only one below the £2000 for me :(
  13. Had the same last year :( Just shy of 2k, that was painful! Have had a quick look around that meerkat place though as it's due in a couple of months again and this year looks like about £800 thankfully!
  14. Try 'the biker insurer' comparison site.
  15. Have u been spying in my garage by any chance same bikes :upyeah:
  16. Slug and Matt .... Around £2k??

    Are you both about 17 with multiple drink-drive bans under your belts? I insure my Multi with Ducati insurance, in the South-East, with fully protected NCB and admitting to 15,000 miles a year for a tenth that amount, even with two convictions for speeding on my licence.

    I do have to keep it in a garage and have an immobiliser and a tracker fitted to get that price, but even so .....
  17. My renewal is £173 with Ducati insurance. 65year old, minimum mileage, protected bonus, clean license.
  18. You don't have to be a bad driver or rider to have high premiums, you just need to have 0 no claims bonus. Due to my work load since I got my car license in 2008 and my bike in 2011 I've not had a single full year of insurance. That keeps my premiums astronomical.
    MCE were the only company below £1500 for me too.
  19. Bloody hell boys, I cringe when its in the £200 to £300 bracket.
    Xr do you compete on the KTM ?
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